Chapter 332

Bryant’s body stiffened sharply, the light in his eyes dimming by the second. He knew better than anyone the tragedy that had befallen our child. What stood between us wasn’t just Margaret or anyone else, but the life of a child that had been lost. If he and I reconciled, what would that make of our child’s death?

Knock, knock!

Outside, York knocked on the glass door. Bryant’s voice was cold, “Come in.”

York entered, his expression anxious. “Mr. Ferguson, there’s suspicion from the Myers Group. Dorothy and her people stormed into Ferguson Group, and they might head here next.”

“No rush.” Bryant always had a strategic mind in business, his tone now laced with danger, “Tell Ryan to speed things up. Swallow up the project in three days. By then, it’ll be too late for the Myers family to react.”

Clearly, the merger between RF and Ferguson Groups had made him a formidable opponent against the Myers family, perhaps even stronger.


me for a

behind him, Bryant turned to me, his voice a mix of compromise and

for my response and strode out the

wasted on him, worse than brick wall. It was impossible to change what he

she was tight–lipped, never spilling secrets even when drunk. Christine was dumbfounded by my reply.

sighed, “Surprised? Shocked?”

slamming the door behind her, whispering fiercely, “So we left Ferguson Group,

and I nodded, “You’ve summed it up perfectly.”

a while to come to terms with it, “So what do we do? Keep working

“We hold nearly half the shares between us, and they don’t interfere with company decisions. It’s better than working for someone else. As

York, the 10% of Ferguson Group shares I held could

into Gregory in the underground parking

like a dog eyeing a hamburger.” He was a decent guy, handsome too. Just a shame he wasn’t mute. Focusing on the main issue, I managed my first sycophantic smile in a lifetime,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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