Chapter 337

As she was chatting with Gregory, I hung up the pieces of clothing I had designed for her, meticulously ironing them out.

“Jane!” Ramona feigned discontent, pulling me down onto the couch with a huff, “The servants can handle that, dear. Why don’t you sit down, have some coffee with me, and we can chat? Must you always do everything yourself?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s really no bother at all.”

“You, young lady.”

She held my hand, turning to Gregory, “So, you were saying you’re roping Jane into playing pretend in front of your parents?”

Gregory and her were close, no secrets between them, “Yes.”

She looked at me with concem, “He’s not pressuring you, is he?”

“Ramona, what do you take me for?” Gregory couldn’t help but laugh.

I smiled too, “No, I actually need his help with something as well.”

Ramona didn’t pry into what that was, but was unhappy about something else.

might not come

back tears, looking at Gregory with the authority only an elder could, “Whether you and Jane are serious or just playing around, I’m totally cool with it. Just one thing, even if it’s an act, there’s no reason to have her stay over

I felt a warmth in my

tough being a young woman on your

but even Gregory seemed taken aback by her

turned cold for a moment.

knew he felt it was unfair to Lilliana.

Myers family, and now Ramona was considering me as a substitute after all these years…

refuse, when Gregory softened his stance, “Just do as

sure what he meant by that.

lunch at the Myers Mansion, I found a moment alone to explain, “I didn’t expect Ramona to suddenly bring that up…” Gregory looked at me, puzzled. “Jane, why do you always rush to explain yourself in every situation? When it comes to who’s to blame, it could be either me or her, but you’re totally not


Myers name loomed so large, one


halfway out of the dining room, to that room we visited last

and pulled me out, all

Lilliana’s room!

looked around at the familiar setting, his lips moving after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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