Chapter 0073

“Master Lucius?”

George addressed Lucius in a tone of surprise, as it was unusual for Lucius to behave in such a manner.

He received an irritated look from Lucius; he touched his nose, puzzled about what he might have done incorrectly.

Lucius strode past him, but then paused after a few steps and ordered, “Get sanitary pads.”

“Sanitary pads?” George’s face transitioned from confusion to astonishment..

Could he be mishearing? Was Master Lucius actually requesting sanitary pads?

“Master Lucius?”

“Do it now!” Lucius commanded, his face stormy and filled with anger. He regretted getting involved with Agatha, thinking her need for sanitary pads wasn’t his concern.

George quickly bought a large pack of pads.

Lucius looked at them with contempt. Without touching them, he ordered, “Take these to Agatha’s room.”

“For Ms. Agatha, Master Lucius?”

George, though shocked, realized the intention. He was surprised by Lucius’s gesture, especially given his

master’s previously stated refusal to reconnect with Ms. Agatha.

“Do you think I need them for myself?”

Lucius was exceptionally irritable, his words sharper, and his usual cold demeanor replaced by a fiery one, displaying a more authentic side of himself.

George, intimidated, remained silent but took the pads upstairs.

man delivering such intimate items to a woman made Lucius


to do everything myself, why employ so many servants? George,


horoscope. It was a bad day for his

inadvertently stepped on

the sanitary pads to a maid. Only then did

started feeling a bit relieved. While resting against the bed to catch her breath, she suddenly experienced

aware that something wasn’t right,

a voice called,



and mentioning, “Mr. George sent this for

the bag, its contents

there was enough to last for

if George knew about her menstrual cycle, or if it was Lucius who had instructed George to deliver these. The thought lingered, but she didn’t dare

Lucius concerning himself with her menstrual needs

that man had done

the pads, resolving the immediate issue. She cleaned up, felt obliged to thank George,

was busy overseeing the other

was seated remotely on the first–floor balcony, lounging in his

took a roundabout

glimpse of Violet sneaking past him towards George, Lucius’s face darkened.

to express her heartfelt


reply, Lucius’s voice rang

to face him. Recalling their previous interactions,

recoiled, fearful of

growing even more irritated. He didn’t realize how perplexed he was


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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