hapter 0092

George’s face changed subtly. He lowered his head, carefully hiding his reaction.

He explained calmly. “Those with high IQs often lack emotional intelligence, the wordvances things out that way.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” Violet, finding some solace in his words, nodded in agreement.

Lucius’s remarkable talents made her feel plain by comparison. Then again, why was the a problem? They weren’t a couple, after all.

The term couple unexpectedly resonated within her, tightening her chest and sending a jolt through her heart.

Over the next few days. Lucius remained preoccupied with work yet made a point of

spending hours each day holding Violet, insisting she accompany him.

Enduring the unease, she waited for him to conclude his tasks.

Her eyes widened in wonder upon seeing the endless stream of numbers on his computer.

“What’s all this?” she inquired.

“Money,” he replied.

“Is it really that simple to earn money by just working on a computer?

She pondered the ease of acquiring wealth. He neither confirmed nor denied, but his self- assurance was apparent.

“Anyone who marries you is bound to be lucky,” she commented.

“Why do you think so?” he queried.

“Because you’re wealthy!”

‘Do you also wish to marry me?”

hoped to maintain their

enough money is all that’s needed. A marriage should be rooted in emotion.

chin. “Are you hinting that for us to be together, I



quite sure why she

is a myth. Marriage is


felt as if a bucket of ice–cold water had been dumped

gestures were solely for physical

love, and her inability to fall for someone was not new

invite further self–degradation.

her turmoil with a feigned smile, she

a part of it seemingly slipping away.

striking him with agonizing clarity. His lips were

George said,

to depart. Why should he express his actual feelings to someone who was ready to leave at any time? He was resolved never to

days of labor, Lucius returned to his bedroom to sleep.

room, Violet aimlessly switched TV channels, unable to find a show that piqued her

the phone in the living

George was absent.

she answered

The voice exploded on the other end, nearly deafening her.” How dare he send people to stop me? He must be tired of

her ear,

“Let’s see who dares to defy

could hear the voice approaching closer. When she looked up, she noticed

His brows and mustache bristled with

Inside the

Davis, such intrusion will


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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