Chapter 0142

Violet was dizzy from Lucius’s abrupt pull. She found herself collapsing onto the sofa by the time she regained consciousness.

Lucius towered over her. His piercing stare was murderous.

Reacting instinctively, she recoiled, her eyes betraying fear. She was no stranger to his ruthless


Her retreat only worsened his irritation. His mood soured as he accused, “You’re here to use me,

aren’t you?”

His accusation had pained undertones and sounded almost childlike.

Violet felt a twinge of guilt and tried to explain. “I didn’t mean to…”

“Since you’ve come to use me, let’s make a deal. I can spare them, but what’s in it for me? What can you bring to the table to make it worthwhile?”

Lucius then lounged on the sofa, adopting a businesslike demeanor.

He sprawled his arms across the back of the sofa, appearing relaxed. His earlier anger ostensibly dissipated as he started treating Violet as if she were non–existent.

Violet was overcome with an unexplainable sense of disappointment. She sat motionless with her head lowered, biting her lip repeatedly.

He warned, “My patience is limited. Those people will be gone if you don’t give me a satisfactory answer within a minute!”

Violet tasted the metallic tang of blood from biting her lip too hard.

“Are they not worth anything to you?”

His tone was cold and laced with mockery. “If so…”

“That’s not what I mean,” Violet interjected quickly, “I have nothing to exchange, and you won’t find value in anything I could offer.”

give to someone who had everything?

least you’re self–aware.”

anguish was’amplified by his comments. She bit her lip again, this time


the sight of blood on her lip. Instinctively, he reached

Let go!”

perplexed. She raised her eyes to meet his. Lucius could see the tears welling up

ordered again, his voice

leaned down, capturing her lips in a firm kiss.

Violet could not understand what was going on and

mouth, kindling a fire within him and motivating him to deepen the kiss, claiming her

in her space, bewildered by the sudden turn of


things taken such an unexpected turn?

arms were beside her, and they pushed her further back onto

balance and fell.

forward, and his weight nearly crushed her. Pent–up resentment drove his

ferocious and intense

unsure of how to react. Eventually, she closed her eyes, surrendering to the moment.

her senses, the

at the other end of

harsh, yet his lips curled in

up. She touched her neck in

unceremoniously, “Stay

confusion. Her mind felt as if it had shut down

against the sofa,

growl, “Are

twitched at


her body rigid with


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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