Chapter 274

was very happy. The Brain family would get many benefits from the cooperation with the Taylor Group. Although the Brain Group had business dealings with the Taylor Group, it was too difficult to go further. Now, Frank promised to have further cooperation with the Brain Group. Therefore, Deshawn was

been full, right? I’m not full either. Let’s continue eating.” Deshawn nodded and gave a smile. He was indeed not full. The two toasted and continued to eat! Frank left the restaurant in a daze. After he left, he ran along the road. He ignored everyone’s gazes and desperately ran on the sidewalk. Sadness took his breath away. Frank kept running. When he stopped, he was so tired that he was gasping for breath. He bent over and closed his eyes in pain. The sweat on his forehead dripped onto the ground. Frank maintained this movement for about a minute before he straightened up. The street lights threw his elongated shadow on the ground, and great sorrow clouded his eyes. His white shirt was soaked with sweat. His perfect abdominal muscles were faintly exposed. A few strands of hair that was wet from sweat stuck together, but it did not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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