Chapter 278

lucky, especially after they met Alissa and Adam. Because of Alissa and Adam, Eric and his family all had a much easier time. Lucas and Eric returned to the fifth floor. Eric knocked on the door, thinking that he would see his mother soon. He smiled even more happily. Eric looked at the dishes in his hands. These were all his mother’s favorite dishes. Adam drove the car very fast to send food to Judith. When Judith heard the knock on the door, she happily got up to open the door and said, “Lucas, Eric, you guys are back. Come in quickly.” After Judith finished speaking, she looked

for tomorrow.” Eric pointed at the things he had packed. Judith smiled and took them, putting them in the refrigerator. “Let Lucas have them tomorrow morning! Mr. Taylor brought something over. Let’s eat together.” “Okay, mom. I don’t have to cook tomorrow morning.” As Lucas spoke, he glanced at Frank, who was beside him. Lucas was surprised that Frank actually brought food to his mother. Frank met his gaze and smiled gently. Eric smiled and said, “Thank you, Frank. Tomorrow morning, I will go and film the advertisement for your company. I can only stay here for five days this time.” The endorsement fee the Taylor Group gave him was very high. After he received the endorsement fee, Eric could buy her mother the sewing machine she liked. At that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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