Chapter 297

“Eric, are you tired?” Judith held Eric’s little hand. Eric shook his head. “Mom, I’m not tired.” He couldn’t tell Judith that he was tired. In fact, it was indeed quite tiring because he had to change clothes frequently. It was even more tiring during the shooting. However, no matter how tired he was, he had to work hard, because his mother was also working hard. He knew that no matter how tired Judith was, she would not say it in front of him and Lucas. Alissa smiled and said, “Judy, this kid loves you so much. Even if he is tired, he won’t say so in front of you.” Eric smiled. Alissa knew him very well. The three of them walked into the restaurant as they talked. After getting into the restaurant, Alissa said, “Judy, have a seat and take the order first. I need to use the bathroom.” “Alright! We’ll sit over there.” Judith pointed to a seat by the window. “Alright, I’ll be there in a moment!” Alissa left with a smile. Judith walked over with Eric, but what made Judith curious was that even though it was dinner time, there was no one in the restaurant. Could it be… Just as Judith was thinking about this, she heard Frank’s voice from behind her. “Judy, Eric!” Judith stopped. Damn it, why was Frank here? She saw Frank in his office when she left! Did she have an illusion? She curled up her toes in embarrassment. She did not want to see Frank today! But why would she meet him here?! Judith took a deep breath to ease her emotions. She turned around and put on a smile. “Mr. Taylor, I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you here for business? If so, we won’t disturb you. We’ll sit over there.” After Judith finished speaking, she pulled Eric, who was about to greet Frank, to the other side. Frank was somewhat annoyed by

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