Chapter 65 He’s Getting Married

‘No surprise there. How could the president possibly allow his woman to do sales?’ Lisa replied.

Stella didn’t quite understand this remark. What does it mean by ‘the president’s own woman’? And what’s wrong with doing sales?

However, before she could even catch her breath in the design department, Kevin sought her out, saying that renovations for the landscape she’d designed with him a few days ago had been completed, so he was waiting for the president to check and approve it. She’d only been at the sales department for a handful of days, so she naturally knew all about the landscape. The landscape was very spacious, so the effect was incredibly stunning with the former’s design concept of a traditional painting vista. Hence, she went with him though she’d been in a bad mood these few days.

Miles hadn’t yet arrived when they both reached, so Stella wandered around the various rooms. Kevin, on the other hand, vanished to parts unknown.

As she stood by the back window in Celestial Room, the front and back doors were open, so a breeze brushed past. From her position, she could see the lush bamboo forest at the back, the ancient style shining through strongly. Poking her head out the quaint window, she basked in the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers outside. At this time, she heard faint voices drifting over. She initially paid no attention to them, but her eyes snapped open when the voices drew nearer. On a closer look, it was actually Miles.

Miles was talking to Kevin, but he then tilted his head and caught sight of her. Stella, however, pretended that she hadn’t seen him, turning her head to the other side. Then, Miles continued talking with Kevin and walked past her.

When Stella exited Celestial Room, she saw no sign of Kevin, merely spotting Miles smoking under a tree with a hand in his pocket, cigarette smoke lingering around him. He truly smokes a lot. She was planning to surreptitiously sneak past him, but a voice then rang out from behind her. “Stop right there.” All at once, she stopped in her tracks, and the man then turned around. “It’s rather beautiful. You designed this?”

This was the first time Miles had ever complimented her, so she naturally felt a wealth of warmth within her. She nodded and said, “Yup.”

Lifting a hand, Miles placed it at the side of her face and tucked the scattered hair behind her ear. Amidst the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers, Stella dipped her head a fraction, a blush staining her cheeks. As Miles stared at her, a smile actually bloomed on his face. “Have you ever shown such an expression to another man?” He brushed his fingers across her face gently. Her skin is smooth, and the sensation is delightful.

In response, Stella shook her head.

Leaning close to her ear, Miles whispered, “If you show this to any other man, I’ll make the man’s life a living hell.” Subsequently, he spun around and left.

to a sales director flashing across her mind. Don’t tell me it was his doing? Yulia said Xavier Daniels hadn’t done anything wrong, and his performance is obviously exceptional, so he’s despondent at having been demoted to a sales director all of a sudden. But I just don’t get

Lisa asked Stella out for shopping. When they walked past a shop selling household items, including slippers, Lisa asked,

mind stalled

swatted her head. “How many men do you

he’s never been to my place ever since I moved, she mused. He has never stepped foot into my house since then, let alone have relations with me. Doubt rose within her. Perhaps

on second thought, if some other man visits my place, it’ll look bad without a pair of men’s slippers. For instance, Xavier Daniels came to my house the other day, and he had to go barefoot because there weren’t any slippers. Nonetheless, my floors are very clean. Still, she bought

any sense. Perhaps it’s been sent to me by mistake. However, she then decided to give this unknown number a call after mulling it over for a while. A woman’s voice drifted out

understanding dawned at once. The wedding she mentioned must be her wedding

decided by both our parents,” Yvonne

Then, she woodenly put away everything she’d bought. As she placed the slippers on the shoe rack, the same thought kept playing in her mind. He’s getting married? No wonder he hasn’t been coming over lately.

It was the weekend, so it stood to reason that he wasn’t at work, but she was dead certain that she would find him in his office. If he isn’t at

walking out with a group of people. Those people were the delegation from America whom she’d entertained, so

she’d come to the office on

respond, seemingly having lost the

the matter, why don’t you accompany me as I show them around?” Then, he made to move forward, assuming that she’d follow him, but she gently grabbed his sleeve. Stopping short, he repeated, “Is

still clutching his sleeve lightly. Despite it being a single finger, it

been set.” Miles came to a complete standstill. The Americans at the side couldn’t understand them, so they merely exchanged glances since both

impassively. Actually, she had no idea why she was coming here while en route earlier, nor did she think about what she was going to say to him; these words merely tumbled out of her mouth. She knew that it might not have any effect on him since it wasn’t him who didn’t want to get married, but she was the one who didn’t want him to do so. On second thought,

it all,

the ground, and she slowly released her hold on him before walking away vacantly. However, Miles’

Stella kept silent.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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