Chapter 78 He Is a Jealous Man

Since the issue that had been troubling her was finally resolved, Stella was on cloud nine. However, in order to catch the wave of the upcoming peak season, she had to speed up the relocation process.

Hence, it took her about a week to settle everything. Due to the relocation, she planned to have an opening ceremony for her boutique. In a way, this could be an effective way to advertise her boutique and announce that Amon would officially set foot in this place.

In regards to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Matthew, being the president of the company, would undoubtedly be the best choice to officiate the ceremony. Her only concern was that Matthew had just returned to Hollowcrest City, so it might not necessarily be nice to call him over again.

Though feeling nervous, Stella still presented her request to Matthew, and much to her surprise, he said yes right away. Considering that Amon was not yet a widely known brand, Matthew was actually very thankful toward Stella, so for such a request from her, he wouldn’t say no for an answer.

Besides that, Stella planned to invite a few other reputable people to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and Matthew would be the highlight of the ceremony.

Unexpectedly, however, Matthew proposed, “I’ll check on Miles to see if he can make it.”

Upon hearing that, Stella felt her heart skip a beat, as she didn’t expect to invite Miles to the event. Then again, he is considered my landlord. The landlord! For crying out loud!

After her last phone call with Matthew, Stella didn’t follow up with him on whether Miles would attend the event, as she had already picked a few other people to perform the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and she even had a few other people in mind as backup. After all, she had been in this business for some time, so she already had a couple of loyal customers like Mrs. Miller, who was a well-known figure and had agreed to attend the event.

Things were going well, but then, on that day, when she least expected it, Miles came together with Matthew.

“The ceremony is starting soon?” asked Miles.

While she was gazing at him cautiously, Stella realized that she still hadn’t gotten over the fact that he hurted her feelings previously. Not wanting to say much, she just briefly said yes.

The background music played during the event was rather loud, so they had to raise their voices; the atmosphere there was simply merry and lively.

With her flushed face, Stella had been in high spirits and looked elated.

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Miles and Matthew stood at the VIP spot. With the two of them standing in the spotlight, they had attracted quite a crowd. Furthermore, Miles was a renowned entrepreneur, so everyone was impressed that the owner of the boutique could invite a person like President Grant.

As there were a lot of people on this day, Stella felt light in the head. While she was in the boutique entertaining guests, she even felt like she was about to pass out.

However, this place was much larger than the previous shop after all, so she tried her best to suppress her giddiness.

Holding a glass of wine in her hand, she was walking toward the door, but a toddler just came out of nowhere and almost ran into her. Hastily, Stella tried to avoid him, but because she was wearing heels that were unusually high, she lost her balance and was about to fall backward. Just when she thought she would embarrass herself big time by landing on her butt, someone managed to support her from behind and prevented her from falling.

Leaning against the person’s chest, Stella lifted her head and was surprised to see Miles. “Thank… Thank you, President Grant.”

didn’t notice that Miles was standing right behind her since

you be more careful?” Miles

With her head lowered, she smiled as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “A child almost bumped into me just now. Maybe I

hurted her, she could

Even after finding out that she had betrayed him in their relationship by sleeping with another man, his feelings for

chat. Did you see her?” As Stella was feeling rather awkward standing around

didn’t get what she meant,

sink, and she wondered how many exes he

way, Stella figured she might as

shoulder right at that moment and asked for her opinion in picking clothes. Overall, most of her existing customers were mainly women who were

when she was standing next to Stella, who was wearing high heels. While they were having a conversation,


answering the questions asked by her customer, someone tapped on her shoulder once

the shop any longer. Zane, on the other hand, wasn’t affected, because he could still carry on with his construction project. The creditor was willing to give him a compensation of three hundred thousand, which enabled him to finish up the job. All in all, Stella and President James were the ones who had lost out, whereas Zane turned out to be the only winner. It was rather

Zane as someone entered the boutique while carrying a huge flower basket specially made for the

flower basket, Stella knew that this type of flower basket was extremely pricey, and no one

you so much,” said

had turned over a new leaf,

in Murdough anyway,” said Zane, looking as if his

reddened, Stella was beginning to feel a little more dizzy, so she didn’t feel like speaking much; it made her look like she had caught

you home later. I think

hand over her forehead, Stella instinctively backed away. “I’m fine. I think it’s because of the crowd that caused me to feel this


he complain about me

Stella merely

Zane turned to face Miles. “President Grant, since you have made

but he deliberately did it in front of Miles. Considering the fact that Miles—the richer one among them two—had offered to give Stella a lift home, Zane felt inferior and he didn’t dare to compete against him. Hence, he decided to do a little trick or two, just to piss

a really nice person. Indeed, their business relationship had officially ended, and she did suffer loss because of it, but

that, a smile slowly crept up on

at your place once he passes it to me tonight. Just accept it, alright?” said Zane brazenly as he emphasized on the word ‘tonight’. Then, he reached out to pinch Stella’s cheek.

to evade him, but Zane was quick with his hands. Frowning, Stella tried to stop

acting like lovers who were playfully teasing and flirting with one another, as though they had forgotten that Miles was still standing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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