Chapter 159

“I overheard you talking the other day, and I couldn’t believe it – Ludwik really spoils you, doesn’t he? You’ve got access to all his liquid assets, and you can spend without limits, as long as it’s for something that looks legit. If you were to transfer funds to my account, Ludwik could trace it and take it back. But if you funnel it into one of the companies he’s already set to invest in, then it’s all above board.”

Whitney’s eyes widened in sheer panic, and her face drained of all color.

When had her uncle started scheming this?

Was it from the moment they first met and he heard about her having a black card? So that was why he insisted on a partnership with Ludwik using an offshore company.

Looking back and realizing the gist of it, she felt chilled to the bone.

With her signed contract in hand, and then redirecting Ludwik’s assets into an offshore company…

“No, Uncle. You can’t do this!”

But there was Keegan, sliding the card through the reader, with the bank manager overseeing the transaction..

“No!” Whitney’s eyes turned bloodshot as she stared at the frozen image of Ludwik’s handsome face on the TV screen, her scream tearing through the room. “You can’t swipe his funds now! He needs that money to get through this tough time. Uncle, this is robbery!”

Yet, the bank manager processed the transaction.

Keegan grabbed her hand to scan her fingerprint.

Whitney clenched her fingers tight, her body thrashing in the chair. Her heart felt as if it were being cleaved in two. She could not give her fingerprint; she could not sign her name, and she could not be the cause of Ludwik’s downfall. They had a future. They could still make it….

But her uncle forced her finger onto the fingerprint scanner.

The transaction was complete.

Dozens of receipts were printed out, each requiring her signature.

“Uncle, stop! This is theft! I’m begging you, I love him, I don’t want to harm him, please, no…!”

But Keegan held her trembling hand, forcing her to scribble her name on each slip.

She resisted with all her might, but she was pinned down, signing her name through tears.

Each signature felt like a blade, knowing it would soon cut into Ludwik.

Why was this happening?

had clarity and could be in

overjoyed, filled

uncle was crushing that hope in his

a sign of his sincerity, a

this be used

head in despair. “Uncle,

This is what you should do! This is all our family’s

“Over 400 billion dollars and that’s

Chapter 159

face ashen,

What was this man talking


had successfully

Lippert, the press is still buzzing. Do you want to visit the family

were sharp as

CFO of

who had jumped, his gaze icy, as

liquid assets were swiped! The funds have been transferred overseas. We tried to freeze the account, but

how much 400 billion dollars meant – it was all

expression turned to ice,

shaking, could hardly

presence in the office overwhelming Nolan.

swept the papers off his

to collapse, shaking uncontrollably, and never had he found it so difficult to speak,

“It was… Madam.”

lips curling slightly. “Nonsense. Call her back from her

heart scrape with pain. He trembled as he laid down the bank receipt, saying, “It’s true… Mr. Lippert, the

speechless. His striking features were suddenly as rigid as

the air like countless

remained motionless, his chill seeping into his bones.


had to pay 120 billion dollars because of Whitney, but because of how

had transferred all of Ludwik’s liquid assets, which were


knives falling from

composure, his face emotionless as he asked, “Who paid the jumper?”

Ludwik knew the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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