Murray had no desire to stick around for another lecture. He made a beeline for the stairs, tuning out the noise. Hertha called out to him. "Tomorrow, 2 PM, at Thyme & Seasons. Mom's set you up on a blind date. Don't be late!" "Cut the crap," Murray said without looking back.

Hertha stuck her tongue out at Murray's retreating figure before she finally left. She was well-versed in this routine. After all, sneaking around with Roseanne didn't clash with meeting potential matches her mom approved.

Murray had been dragged into these setups for years, mostly just going through the motions to appease their mother.

After shooing Hertha away, Murray retreated to his home office to tackle some company work.

He had ventured out on his years ago, eager to break free from the family's clutches. The first three years were a struggle without their help, with only Roseanne by his side. Only in the recent two years, he had finally made a name for himself and his company, shaking off the "rich kid" and "playboy" labels.

As Murray's success grew, his family's attitude softened, moving from outright opposition to his relationship with Roseanne to a begrudging acceptance.

After wrapping up his work, Murray realized the sun had set. The evening lights were on, and he felt the pangs of hunger.

He picked up his phone and called his girlfriend, "Hey, what's up?"

Her voice was a whisper on the other end. "Babe, sorry, I'm in class. I'll come see you afterward, okay?"

You do you," he said

call came in moments later, but Murray ignored it, focusing on

gang to grab dinner. Then he changed his clothes and was about to head out when he noticed a girl sitting by the door, who jumped up

I knocked, but you didn't hear. So, I waited," Millie said, glancing at the blazer

frowned, not answering her question but asking, "How did you find this

a bit guilty. "I asked a


"No, York."

"Come in

inside, taking in her surroundings while

"Weren't you supposed

skipped. You're more

he pursued her, she was just a freshman with a heavy course load, never skipping

tried to say something. "Hey, have you eaten yet?

to make Blueberry almond oatmeal?" Murray

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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