After lunch, Leda snagged two tickets for a dolphin show, excited to take Roseanne along.

Wading through the visitors, they followed the crowd toward the southwest to find the marine show arena. Inside, the air conditioning was a godsend, providing a stark, blissful contrast to the scorching heat outside.

Roseanne wasn't particularly keen on animal shows, but Leda adored dolphins. During the interactive segment, she handed her camera to Roseanne, asking her to snap some photos. Leda's beaming smile eventually pulled a hesitant grin from Roseanne as well.

Half an hour later, as the show concluded, Roseanne handed Leda her bag, mentioning she wanted to use the restroom.

Turning a corner, Roseanne saw Millie washing her hands at the sink. She hesitated for a moment, then brushed past Millie toward a stall.

Emerging later, Millie was still there, seemingly waiting for her. Roseanne ignored her, focusing intently on washing her hands. The only sound was the drip of water. The silence was palpable, the air thick with tension.

Looking up, Roseanne accidentally caught Millie's gaze, then quickly diverted her eyes as if she were a stranger.

But Millie broke into a smile, glancing at her wrist where a bracelet peeked out from under her sleeve.

"Roseanne, what a coincidence," she said.

Roseanne didn't bite.

Millie continued, "How have you been

polite smile.

seemed to search her face,

said with a laugh, "Really? It must be hard, moving

needn't worry about

thank you, truly," Millie's eyes shimmered with tears, her youthful face exuding innocence, "If

hands meticulously. She washed with care and focus from the


Murray's surprise for me," Millie's lips curved up. She casually lifted her hand, "Oh, and this

my hands


for this

Blushed, Millie's eyes gleamed like

store, Murray picked Millie's birthday present. Turning off the tap, her nails digging into her palm brought her back to reality. With a self-deprecating smile, Roseanne said,


the exit, waving

hungry? You look pale,"

drained, Roseanne pinched her nose. "Leda, I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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