The meal was a feast for the senses, a classic roast with all the trimmings, yet Carlisle squirmed uncomfortably with each bite. As soon as polite society would allow, he made an excuse and left.

The house fell eerily quiet. Roseanne was left clearing the dishes, Hertha's words echoing in her head unbidden. "Murray's got a perforated ulcer."

Her mind wandered. Clatter! A plate slipped from her grasp, shattering on the floor.

Instinctively reaching to gather the pieces, she nicked her finger on a shard. A sharp hiss escaped her lips as tears, unbidden, splashed down onto her hand.

After six years, not just days or months, habits were deeply ingrained in her. At the news of Murray's hospitalization, her first instinct was worry, an urge to visit him at the hospital.

But reason held her back. Roseanne thought she would gradually get used to not worrying and not shedding tears for him anymore.

From the brilliance of their love to the weariness of companionship and separation, the cracks had been forming for a long time.

Maybe it was from his first broken promise or perhaps his first lie. When Roseanne looked back, only fragments remained. Six years could be enough for a touching love story or a tragedy that wasn't worth remembering.


in high heels. Rushing, she stumbled over some trash in the hallway, cursing the building. "What a dump! It's filthy, absolutely

Her phone rang.

you be resting?" she snapped, still seething, yet her tone softened slightly, remembering Murray was

woken up in the hospital to find Hertha had

went to find Roseanne to get her to visit you," Cliff explained with

minutes, his eyes repeatedly darting to the door amidst bouts

he couldn't take it anymore and dialed Hertha's number. "Where

Hertha mumbled, "Out."

long till

drag Roseanne along and not keen on returning to the hospital

first, pick up the chicken soup Mom made for

and..." , kne

with you?" he

Oops! Hertha sighed. "No."

all understand what a breakup means? Always meddling!" "Yeah, I'm meddling. So, it's just me who's annoying, okay? You two are just too noble and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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