On a pleasant Saturday, the weather was just right.

Thick clouds allowed streaks of warm sunlight to peek through, making Roseanne break into a slight sweat during her morning jog. After a refreshing shower and changing clothes, she grabbed the medicine she had purchased earlier and hailed a cab to Madeleine's place.

"Ms. Payne, please take these three times a day. It's chilly these days, so you don't need to refrigerate them. Just ensure to warm them up before drinking," Roseanne explained as she handed over the medications.

A staunch woman unafraid of much, Madeleine had one particular aversion to the taste and smell of medications. She eyed the dark liquid distastefully, distancing herself before voicing her struggle. "Do I have to take this?"

"Absolutely," Roseanne replied. "I've arranged with your housekeeper to make sure you take it three times daily without skipping."

Madeleine grimaced in resignation. "Okay, I got it."

Madeleine couldn't dismiss Roseanne's kind gesture, no matter how much she detested the idea.

Seeing Madeleine's face contorted in disgust like a petulant child, Roseanne couldn't help but chuckle softly. "I know it's bitter, so I brought you some pistachio fudge from Sweet Delights downtown. Have a piece after your medicine, and it won't taste so bad."

instantly disappeared, replaced by a

conversation turned to more serious

two spots open. The criteria are strict. Candidates must have excellent grades and an overall high average in all subjects. Additionally, candidates must have

surprised by the rigorous

with perks. Outstanding members might go straight

biotech firm

Innovations was a dream workplace for many in the field, known as a scientist's paradise, owned by the Reynolds family and boasting the industry's

groundbreaking biotech research.

of your academic performance, so I've never doubted your capabilities," Madeleine said, locking

the years,


and understanding of new technologies were all areas of concern. Beyond

all that time in the lab for a reason, right? You build

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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