"Just do it," Cliff immediately pulled out his phone and called Roseanne.

"Hey, Roseanne, what's up? I've got something I need to talk to you about..."

After explaining his intentions, there was a moment of silence on the other end.

Cliff guessed what she was hesitating about and reassured her, "Listen, Roseanne, chill. This one's on me. We're talking old friends catching up over a meal, no strings attached. Murray won't be there, I promise."

"Okay," Roseanne finally agreed.

Cliff shrugged after hanging up. He said so, but if a "chance encounter" happened, that wouldn't be his fault, would it?

Corley eagerly volunteered, "I'll take care of letting Murray know."

"Deal. It's settled then!" Cliff was excited. He'd be the hero of the hour if he could pull off getting them back together.


It was a day with clear skies and the sun shining bright. Cliff had booked a table at Sapphire Bistro ahead of time. It was their old haunt. Just by mentioning the name, Roseanne would know where to find it.

When she walked in, Cliff was waving at her like a madman before she could look around. The waiter led her over, and Roseanne sat across from him.

"Roseanne, I heard you just wrapped up your exams. Big congrats! I've ordered and got all your favorites. Let's have a drink to celebrate!"

Cliff wasn't as well-off as the others but had the best heart. He'd helped her with a few things before, so their friendship had grown.

I've always

laughed. "Come on, Roseanne, don't be a stranger. We're friends,

and the dishes came

A deep voice

froze. He looked

supposed to be a "chance

managed to recover,

mind if

only respond, "No, not at

could protest, Corley

his eye, glancing at

glancing at Roseanne

"What's the special et


smiled faintly, "Just catching

to Corley, silently asking, "Where's Murray? Weren't

the cue, and turned his attention to

Though they weren't close, it

"I just finished my

a moment. "Based on the

rolled his eyes.

Roseanne nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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