Roseanne grabbed her bag, and they set off for Kingswell University together.

As they strolled and chatted, Roseanne found Corley was indeed knowledgeable. He could keep up with any topic she brought up. His voice was steady, his demeanor gentle and refined, making his company pleasant.

After wandering for a while, they passed by an old stone wall, and glancing sideways, Roseanne spotted a familiar figure.

Owen had just finished a lecture and was on his way to the lab when he looked up to meet Roseanne's smiling eyes. He paused, then noticed Corley standing beside her.

"Fancy seeing you here. Just finished with class?" Roseanne broke the silence.

Owen nodded. "Heading to the lab, and you?"

"Just showing my friend around campus. Here's my friend, Corley Sullivan," she introduced, turning to Corley, "This is Owen Reynolds."

Their eyes met, and Corley extended his hand with a slight lift of his lips, "Mr. Reynolds, I've heard much about you."

"It's a pleasure," Owen responded.

The Reynolds and the Sullivan families were well-known in Lumina, circulating in the same social circles, though it was their first meeting.

hung between them, unnoticed by Roseanne, who

was the first to let go. "I

and Corley asked with

to go into

Corley didn't press further.

received a message

for showing me around campus

was nothing. No need

beside her bed and lay down. Freshly

lulling her into

studying, Roseanne allowed herself a rare lie-in, waking up

neighborhood was

outside, neighbors with grocery baskets and dog walkers

alley, she walked to the nearby ofd street, where a diner


nor too thick and crispy

sitting with his back to her. She smirked, tapped him on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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