Owen waved a dismissive hand. "No rush."

It was just a coat, after all. Owen had plenty more in his closet.

"I came home to grab some clothes and have to head back to the lab soon." His voice was thick with congestion, his face half-hidden by a mask, a dead giveaway he was battling a nasty cold.

"Hold on." Roseanne turned and went inside, returning moments later with a thermos. "I made you some chicken soup yesterday. Drink it while it's hot."

At the mention of chicken soup, Owen's brow furrowed slightly, an almost imperceptible reaction Roseanne missed as she added, "There's also some cold medicine in the bag. It's the usual stuff. Instructions are on the box."

Owen was rarely sick, and something about her concern made him momentarily consider refusing the thermos.

But then Roseanne added, "I mean, it's really my fault you ended up catching this cold."

hand he'd almost withdrawn to refuse the offer paused, then accepted the

realized he was short on time. "Thanks for the chicken soup and

paper still needed work, and she'd been digging through websites for days

her, all in German. While her German was good enough for daily conversations, she

her thoughts interrupted by her phone ringing. Annoyed but resigned,

sorry about yesterday, but there are some things I'd prefer

They agreed on a time and place and

refocusing on her paper.


time, not far from Kingswell University. Roseanne immediately spotted Corley sitting in their usual spot as she pushed open the

dress shirt, the upper buttons casually undone, revealing his collarbone. It seemed to attract the occasional glance


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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