Norris' face had turned a deep shade of red, anger evident in every line of his body. "Mr. Baker, my daughter Roseanne is an exceptional child. Whatever you've been saying about her today, wherever you heard it from, I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it to yourself from now on!"

"Because it's all nonsense! Slander, even! This is not the behavior expected of a role model."

With those words, Norris stormed off, his departure radiating fury.

Helen rolled her eyes, "Pfft, done the deed but can't handle the talk? 'Exceptional child', my foot! Ruining the school's reputation, shameless..."

Remember how proud Norris used to be.

Having a daughter who was top of her class, swept awards in competitions like they were going out of fashion. The pride of the entire grade, if not the whole school.

Every parents' meeting, Roseanne was all he could talk about, beaming with pride.

And what did it amount to?

So what if she got into Kingswell University? In the end, she's just another rich man's plaything!


Halfway through the conversation, Roseanne ducked behind a display window, unable to bear the thought of her father's face as he endured the insults and slander. He was a man who cherished his reputation, upright and honest!

Nor could she bear to think how heartbroken Norris would be if he found out she was there and had heard everything. So, she hid.



as he reached


What are

around and ended up

Looks like it's going to rain

Roseanne got onto the rear seat of

three-" Norris gathered strength and pedaled hard,

"Dad, I'm sorry..."

What are you apologizing

coming to see you

much pressure

are you talking about? You're here now...

see. Your picture is still up

Roseanne was surprised. "Really?"

the first time you entered the physics competition, and Dasked

replied, "What did I say? I

'I couldn't

Was I that

bold in high school! Relying on your

"Oh, now I'm embarrassed..."

"Ha ha ha!"

the way back, as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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