"Who else but you would do something so barbaric?" Madge was clearly livid.

It was rare for her to speak ill of others.

And "barbaric" might be the most aggressive word she could muster.

Yet, for Louisa, it was water off a duck's back. She stood with her hands on her hips and let out a cold laugh, "Barbaric? This is barbaric to you? You clearly haven't seen anything yet!"

"You're admitting it then? You did this?" Madge couldn't believe what she was hearing, her eyes wide with shock.

Louisa's gaze flickered, "Watch your words. What am I admitting to? Where's your proof? Do you have any?"

"Plus, even if I did do it, so what? If you're so tough, go ahead and call the cops on me, see if I care. The law says you need damages over five hundred dollars to file a report. You think I don't know my rights?" Madge was beside herself with anger.

Norris quickly stepped in, placing himself between his wife and Louisa, "Louisa, there's no need to be so harsh! Our wisteria wasn't bothering you. We're all neighbors here, why take it this far?"

Roseanne surveyed the scene, noting the wisteria petals scattered around, the trellis that ran along the shared yard wall was broken and hanging in mid-air.

The whole yard was a disaster zone.

"Just because you say it wasn't bothering you?" Louisa, far from intimidated by Norris stepping in, rolled up her sleeves ready for a showdown, "Your plants shaded my vegetable patch from the sun, stunted their growth, and they're always getting infested with bugs because of it. How is that not a bother?"

pointed at the ground, "are all sharp angles and directly in front of my window,

in disbelief, "First off, the space between our houses is communal, not for personal use. You complain about bugs in your veggies, I could say your garden attracts swarms of mosquitoes to

trellises are on our property. Even if they extend a bit, they don't cross into the communal space, much less into your yard. Mrs. Wilson across the way has her trellises facing your

Wilson, known throughout the neighborhood for her fiery temper and not someone to be trifled

wouldn't dare

the end, it was all about bullying

"I don't feel like messing with her stuff, I just don't like yours, what's it to you? You think you're

plants, trying to act

were so capable, you'd buy a mansion with front and back yards to plant whatever you want, instead of squabbling


live a life

wasn't one for arguments, easily ruffled by a few

Madge was speechless.

for street

to the corner, picked up the mop she had swung around the day before,


Co worries, we can

didn't quite


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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