So, there was nothing to do but to give Leda the death stare.

If looks could kill, she'd be Swiss cheese by now.

"Ms. Reynolds, you might... have the wrong idea about me." Millie looked up, her eyes wide and pleading.

Too bad Leda wasn't buying it. "Wrong idea? You think you have any dignity? Know what shame is?"

Beverley snapped, "Leda, don't push it! I'm still your elder, after all."

"Oh, playing the age card when you're losing the argument, huh? Sadly, I'm not one to be bullied. Want to see how far I can really go?"

Beverley was speechless.

"Enough, Leda. There's no point in arguing with them," Roseanne interjected, tired of the pointless bickering. Winning the argument wouldn't change a thing.

Her calm tone and cool gaze were like a fuse, instantly setting Beverley off.

"Feeling inferior, are you?" she scoffed. "After being with our Murray for years with nothing to show for it, and Millie gets pregnant just like that?"

"A barren hen can only fool a young and naive Murray. Thinking I'd let you into the Sherwood family? Dream on!"

because Roseanne had ignored her completely from the start. This disregard felt like

invisible, and Roseanne had no choice but to

dog that used to grovel at her feet suddenly jumped on the dining


interested in those dreams. Whoever

family or

none of my business."

turned green with


with such force that Roseanne couldn't pull away

your well wishes, Roseanne. Me, Murray, and our baby, we're going to be just

replied with

"Thank you."

rolled her eyes,

away. "She thinks

opera or what?

She could play

her own

lead in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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