After dropping Millie off at school, Beverley reminded her to stay safe and watch out for her tummy before instructing the driver, "Let's head back." "Of course, ma'am."

Seated in the back, Beverley glanced at the hideously ugly scarf beside her and couldn't help but grimace.

The more she looked at it, the less she liked it, promptly tossing it under the seat as if it were something revolting.

Thinking of Millie, Beverley sighed. Her looks were average, and her manners lacked grace. To put it nicely, she was a "plain Jane"; to be blunt, she was "petty." Her gaze inadvertently fell back on the scarf-

Hot pink, both tacky and outdated, no fancy packaging could save its inherent shoddiness.

She had to admit, coming from a humble background did have its limitations.

Recalling the gifts Roseanne used to give her-silk scarves, jewelry, handbags, each item exquisite and perfectly suited for her, it was clear they were chosen with care... With that thought, Beverley mentally scoffed!

Why was she even thinking about that unfortunate thing?!


"Ma'am, we're home."

Hertha greeted her, eyeing the elegantly wrapped box

with uneven stitches that fell short of even the

era is this from, and you're telling me you plan to

which seemed completely out of place with

it was her first encounter with a

the hot pink? Even the

"It's from your brother's girlfriend. She said something about a handmade gift being more meaningful. I think she's just too stingy to

for the fact she's carrying my grandchild, why


and handbags to the diamonds on her earrings, mostly custom-made or

mean she's pregnant

all these years, and here was Millie, suddenly pregnant and eager to marry into their wealthy family. Beverley shared, "I only found out today. If she hadn't called me,

eyebrow, "Wait, she called

Beverley nodded, puzzled.

"Think about it. Why would she bypass my

my brother doesn't want the child, and she decided to go straight to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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