Murray gave her a once-over, his gaze as sharp as a blade, before letting out a snort of derision, "Thought you were sick to your stomach? You seem pretty fine to me."

Feeling the sting of his piercing gaze, Millie couldn't shake off the feeling that her feeble attempts at deception were transparent to him.

"It's just... when you're not around, I've got no one to talk to. It gets so lonely..."

Murray, ever the pragmatist, cut her off unceremoniously, "Lonely? Why don't you hit the books or do something productive? Aren't you supposed to be a student? Don't you have classes? Or what about your exams?"

"You seem to have all this free time, whereas Sadie's up to her neck in work. Why don't you give her a hand?"

Millie stuttered, unable to form a coherent response.

Murray's dark eyes turned icy, her little schemes laid bare before him, amateur and pitiful.

He turned to leave, but felt a soft embrace from behind, her arms locking around his waist.

"Murray, please don't go. I've missed you so much. I really want you here with me. Even if you despise me, do it for the sake of our child..."

Murray's jaw tensed, and he quickly shrugged off her hands, disgust nearly spilling from his eyes, "Stay away from me! And don't drag the child into this. I told you to end it, but you went behind my back to my mother. We haven't settled that score yet!" Millie's eyes flickered, "I'm sorry, I..."

"I'm warning you, stay in line or I'll kick you out right this instant!" With that, he stormed upstairs, his departure leaving a chill in the air.

her teeth, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself

out, and she had invested too much to give up

couldn't afford

later, she had

the scent of alcohol on him as he

like this, he always craved some warm

In the master bedroom-

some of Sadie's hangover soup, but still felt awful and soon fell back into a

p.m., hunger pangs and stomach cramps set in,

him irritable, and he

called out

must be upset. I went to the supermarket to get some oats and just

stairs, eagerly

soup was knocked from her


echoed through

scalding soup spilled onto the expensive wool carpet, a few drops splashing onto

ever say I wanted your soup?" His voice

wronged, tears welling up in her eyes,

"I'm sorry,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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