Murray ordered a bottle of vodka, one shot, two shots...

Seeing him drink like he had a death wish, Cliff hurriedly urged:

"Man, that stuff is strong. You should really take it easy!"

Don't end up in the hospital again...

Murray turned a deaf ear, still clutching his glass tightly: "Your phone, give it to me."

"Why do you need my phone?" Cliff asked, puzzled, while pulling out his smartphone to hand it over.

Before he could fully extend his arm, Murray snatched it eagerly and dialed Roseanne's number.

Soon, a familiar female voice came through.

He sounded like a man dying of thirst in the desert who had finally found water, desperately saying, "Anne, I miss you so much..." Roseanne was speechless.

Cliff was shocked. "Oh man... Is Roseanne ever going to answer my calls again?" he thought.

"Anne, please come back. I know I was wrong... We promised to grow old together, and now, so soon, you want to leave me?"

"Let's put the past behind us. Whether you want to pursue further studies or work, whatever you wish to do, I'll be there for you, unconditional support..." "Also, remember our promise last year? To watch the sunset and count the stars in Turkey? Have you forgotten?"

He spoke in a lump, his voice raspy.

His posture was almost humbled to the dust.

But the silence from the other end continued, unanswered.

realize how much you've given me...

"Are you

Finally, she responded.


be a

"Beep Beep-"

just one sentence, she sent him plummeting

and the hand holding the phone dropped to his

She said congratulations.

congratulations?! So, she knew everything!

cautiously asked, "Man, you okay? What did

Murray, it

"With a forced smile, w We

t stopping until f


by his drinking, quickly intervened: "You can't chug it

asked, "Cliff, do you think she'd bother visiting me if

terrified, replied, "Man,



that, seriously, it won't...



aside from a slightly red face, he

let me take you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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