Roseanne had completely blanked out on that part of the night.

All she remembered was her dad, Norris, nudging her to see Owen off. And then...


When she woke up the next morning, snug in her bed and stretching lazily, she didn't feel a thing was amiss.

Madge, her stepmom, popped her head in with a warm cup of tea, "You up?"

Sitting up, Roseanne took the cup, sipped, and then heard Norris chime in-

"Let's see if you dare to sneak that much booze again! You were a wild one, listening to no one, acting all crazy."

Wild? Crazy? Roseanne's sipping paused abruptly.

Fragments of memories flickered through her mind, elusive as smoke.

She swallowed hard, her voice tentative, "Dad, what did I do last night?"

"Oh, what did you do? You don't remember?"

Roseanne shook her head frantically. She truly had no idea.

you to walk Owen out, and you ended up messing his hair up so bad. Guy

of us are blushing like beetroot here! Off you go, let her digest this alone." With that, she

One second.

Two seconds.

On the third-


There went her dignity!

exchanged a look, barely holding back

commented, "Girl's just like you,

"And like you, loves it despite being terrible at

gave him a look, "Asking for it,

quickly raised his hands in surrender,


hiccup, the family enjoyed their peaceful, happy life. Meanwhile,

one was reining them in, they seemed to have tasted blood. They camped outside the Sherwood Mansion day afterday, becoming a

of this duo; she couldn't shake off the disgust..Hearing from security that they were camping at the gates come rain or shine, even bringing stoots and

Are those two

teeth as she asked

went out, that man and woman glared at us, looking like they were about to pounce,

area wasn't like the hotel where she could just barge in. Causing trouble here could get her slapped with a breaking and entering charge. So, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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