Corley's gaze shifted from Norris to Roseanne, subtly taking in both of them. These two...

"Dad, you know him?" Roseanne approached, her surprise evident in her voice.

Dad? A smirk tugged at the corners of Corley's mouth.

He had been in Pinehollow on business for three days, and today was his scheduled return. However, due to the flight being canceled because of bad weather, he had his secretary book a morning train instead. Little did he expect to stumble upon such an unexpected surprise!

Norris spoke up, "It was this young man who helped me catch the thief. His agility was impressive!"

Roseanne paused for a moment, then realized and said, "Thank you, Mr. Sullivan."

"Roseanne, there's no need for such formality. Anyone else in my position would have done the same without hesitation."

Madge, astonished, asked, "You two know each other?"

Roseanne and Corley replied in unison, "Yes."

As for how they knew each other...

Clearly, this wasn't the right time to delve into that.

Madge didn't press further.

Norris asked, "Sullivan, where are you headed?"


heading to Lumina City. Which train are you

with a playful edge, countered, "Which

Corley smiled, "What a

that's fantastic, we can

Corley found himself being warmly

took out his phone and changed his ticket.


been recovered. The officer requested his cooperation in signing a document at

an opportunity to

left Roseanne and

Nors y were in

Madge's departure made



"Anne, in front of your parents, you still call me

He feigned a pout.

"What else should I call you? Haven't I always called you Mr.

a student, and 'Sir' just seems too stiff, might give your Dad and Mom the wrong

wrong idea or not, I don't

Corley was speechless.


my brother, unless you actually

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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