I remained silent and did not feel like talking.

Without saying a word, I packed my stuff and left home.


While sitting on the bus and thinking about how my parents treated me, I was deeply upset. The way they treated Steven was worlds apart from the way I was treated. I’m not a saint and can’t tolerate such unfairness!

They are the people closest to me in the world and my everything, but they only care about Steven. Though I’m their daughter, there’s no place in their heart for me!

I was staring out at the scenery flashing past the window with a heavy heart. My eyes reddened, but I tried to keep the tears from falling as I comforted myself.


After so many years, I should’ve gotten used to it, shouldn’t I? So I shouldn’t be sad!

After a few hours of bumpy journey, I finally arrived at the bus terminal. I got off the bus and looked at the crowded terminal. Being alone in the crowd gave me a sense of loneliness.

I had been working in this city for so many years in order to provide my parents a better life. Yet, no matter how hard I worked to support my family, they still did not appreciate me.


Feeling depressed, I decided to walk home by myself instead of calling Michael.

Though Birchwood was far away from the bus terminal, I just wanted to be alone.


After a long walk with my suitcase, I couldn’t feel my feet at all. Totally drained of energy, I was extremely worn out.

all the cabs were occupied, and I failed to get one

my watch and grew anxious as the

approached and stopped in front

car before me.

I decided to walk down the road with my suitcase as I waited for a cab. At that

He furrowed his defined brows slightly, and there was

When I saw his handsome face,

here? I didn’t call to

you here?” I responded awkwardly after keeping

early? Didn’t I ask you to call me after you had

of his car while walking toward me. He looked solemn in his pure

that I did not know how to reply to such

I did not forget about calling him; I refused to do so

you were busy, so I didn’t bother you!” I explained guiltily

eyes. For some reason, I had a feeling he could always see through

responded coldly, “Is this

hear the icy tone in

I lowered my head and did not dare to look him in

Michael frowned and glared at

said so, I got into his car immediately as I thought he would be further angered if I refused him on the

before. After getting into his car, I glanced around curiously. Wow, it’s so spacious

is just a means of transportation. Why in the world do they need so many of them? It’s

grew tense with the awkward silence. I looked out the window, wondering if I should

his cold and impassive face. I always felt that we had nothing to

topic, Michael broke the silence and asked, “Why did

voice was calm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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