Chapter 57 Vengeance For Life

Michaela was relieved to spend the first night without Jonathan.

At first, she wanted to watch a film and enjoy some me-time, but she dozed off halfway through.

When she woke up the next day, she continued to bask in the euphoria of Jonathan’s absence. Even the air smells sweet!

Wayne was afraid that Michaela might get bored, so on the second night, he told her about the indoor pool and family theater upstairs.

That gave Michaela an idea. She went upstairs, took a tour, and realized the independent living space looked exactly like the one she had always wanted as a child.


Her heart skipped a beat when she realized the space was similar to her childhood vision. Instead of lingering around, she decided to sneak back to the room.

When she felt thirsty and was about to go downstairs to get a glass of water, she suddenly noticed how empty the mansion was. Why does the mansion look so spacious when Mr. Jonathan is not around?


That night, Michaela could not sleep. When is he coming back? Should I call him? But what should I say to him?

She continued tossing and turning in bed for some time and eventually fell asleep at midnight.

The next day, Michaela went to work with dark circles under her eyes.

When she stepped into the office, all her colleagues walked up to her and expressed their concerns. “What happened to your eyes, Mich? Did you not sleep well?”

“Yeah, insomnia,” she said matter-of-factly.

Michaela seldom used cosmetic products, but she had worn some make-up today to conceal the dark circles under her eyes. Still, people could see them.

“Mich, are you dating someone?” someone teased.

Michaela’s face blushed instantly and denied. She then tried to change the topic. “Please. By the way, where’s Lorelei? Hasn’t she come back to work?”

Ever since the call on Friday, Lorelei seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth.

her calls went to voice mail. Even when she came to work Monday, she only heard that Lorelei was on

had a bad feeling about

She’s on sick leave for a week. It feels weird not having her around. She’s always full of the joys of spring, and we all miss her smile and

know right!” another

and called Lorelei again but still could not

together and started

have lunch, she bumped into Alois, who stood in front

always been a steady man, but why does he look troubled today? Is something

hesitated for a moment but decided to

had always been the top student in his batch.

hearing Michaela’s voice, Alois turned around and responded

duty in the last three days,

a flicker in Alois’ eyes. “Would


have come to look

thought something was amiss when Lorelei applied for several days of sick leave. She agreed to

minutes later, they arrived at

Americano, Michaela looked at Alois

last couple of days, and I’m worried about her. That’s why I came to see you, hoping you could

don’t you go yourself?” Michaela

how worried the man was, though he

her I’ve got a

that why you asked her out last Friday? You asked her out so


but Alois

date in the first place. To Alois, he was merely buying her junior dinner. In the end, Lorelei left

his objective. But upon seeing how dispirited Lorelei was when she walked

when Lorelei had stopped

nod. In an icy tone, she said, “Well, if that’s the case, why should you worry about Lorelei? And why did you

“Ms. Lingard-”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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