Chapter 306

Astrid was flabbergasted for a moment and immediately understood. Bernice was probably apologizing for everything Hawthorne had done.

“Bernice, we all know it’s Hawthorne who screwed up. He’s the one who should be saying sorry, not you.” Astrid didn’t know Bernice that well. They’d only met a few times.

She didn’t want to say anything more.

“Um…” Bernice took a deep breath, “Star, to be honest, Hawthorne is just too into you. That’s why he did what he did.”


don’t go.” Bernice suddenly sat up. She quickly got up and grabbed Astrid. There was a sound, and a plastic bottle fell to the ground.

a bit off. She found that there was something wrong with

opened the bottle cap, took a sniff, then her eyes turned icy.

do this, you wouldn’t even see me! Your dad knows about what Hawthorne did and now he wants to

my relative. I can’t just watch him die like this, so I came


at the woman in front of her, bit her lip softly,

1990s. All these years

fans, she was

any ordinary person to catch fish and shrimp in the river. After dinner, she even insisted on doing the

been hurt by a man

said that Bernice had a son, but nobody knew who he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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