Chapter 359

“Astrid!” Gracie, worried about Astrid losing control in public, kept reassuring her, “I’m okay, really, I’m fine.”

Once those irresponsible media outlets let the pictures out, netizens would start making up all sorts of stories. God knows what kind of twisted tales they’d come up with. “Astrid, just let it go, I’m really okay.”

“Your hand got stepped on so badly and you’re saying you’re okay?” Astrid lifted Gracie’s hand, noticing a footprint on the back of it. The pinky finger was crushed, bloody and horrifying.

Astrid glanced at the crowd and spotted a man trying to hide behind others, avoiding her gaze.

She narrowed her eyes, grabbed Gracie’s hand and shoved it in front of a male journalist, “Apologize to my assistant!”

The journalist didn’t react. Astrid repeated, “Apologize to my assistant!”

“There are so many people, it was an accident. Besides, she’s fine. Do I need to apologize?” The man’s eyes were full of disdain, his words extremely irritating.

Feeling the icy chill emanating from Astrid, Gracie gripped her tightly, whispering in her ear, “If a dog bites you, you wouldn’t bite it back, would you?”

looked at Gracie,

more accurate, she strode towards that male

way to the man and stomped on his foot with the heel of

gave it a good

throughout the venue, “Astrid, you did that on purpose! You

it was an accident that I

was speechless.

familiar, didn’t it? Wasn’t that what he just said

pissing off a journalist for a small assistant?

to take my assistant to

hand, the crowd reluctantly

still had to drive. Astrid shoved her into the backseat, “Stay

drive, was a bit nervous, “Astrid, I know you care about me, but pissing off a journalist is not wise. If he reports something out of context,

voice sent shivers down Gracie and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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