Chapter 365

Nathan quickly snatched the thing from Nash’s hand, fearing he might use it in a fit of temper.

If it really gets used, it could cause a huge explosion, and everyone would be in trouble!

Nash thought for a moment, then pulled out another small bottle from his bag, “This one won’t kill, it just knocks you out.”

Nathan was speechless.

“Nash, your stuff’s valuable. Save it for yourself. I can handle him.” Astrid walked over with a smile and took the stuff from Nash, “By the way, did you guys come just to see me?”

Nash said, “I came to deal with the jerk who’s been badmouthing you. Where is he? Take me to him and I’ll make him disappear.”

Elio looked at Nash, his mouth twitching involuntarily.

like, Robb and his brothers are actually pretty nice.

with Astrid’s brothers is a real

these four brothers rushed over from abroad.

you guys worry, but don’t you know me yet? Who do you think can bully me?!

the four of them

all, if it wasn’t for Elio bullying Star back then, how could Star have suffered


brothers said at the same time,

Elio was speechless.

of three suddenly became a trip

the four of them guarded Elio like he was

and then Edgar and Edwin sat on one side, Nash and Nathan on the

isolated on the

a second, and then quickly joined

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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