Chapter 162 Killing Three Birds With One Stone

Although the upper echelons of Sunsand did not order Naomi to do so, the news had already been spread. Arya had also replied that she had indeed given Naomi a gift, so Sunsand would go along with the flow and generously state that as long as Arya could apologize, they would forgive her for what she had done.

Such a tolerant action…

It attracted the sighs of many netizens. There were even more people scolding Arya.

The fans who originally supported Arya were very sad. They felt that if the situation continued to develop like this, the popularity that Arya had accumulated with great difficulty would return to its original position.

Just as the netizens were all determined, the Snow Asia Region press conference was just around the corner. In order to successfully release the new product, they held a press conference in advance. The reporters all asked about this matter.

The person who happened to be in charge of the event was Special Assistant Chen, who Arya had doted on her other day.

“May I ask if Snow originally planned to only sign Arya as a spokesperson?”

“She gave Naomi such a gift and her character is poor. Do you still plan to use her as a spokesperson?”

Special Assistant Chen coughed and pressed the microphone switch, “Why are you only concerned about this matter?”

“Does Snow plan to

just entered the entertainment industry has this kind of skill. It’s

the curiosity of the reporters. They

member of the underworld, I never had plan to sign two spokesperson contracts. Arya is the only spokesperson that we are

came to apologize.

video that the netizens sympathized

in all of Arya’s work, so she would have to live with

the endorsement this time has nothing to do with Naomi herself, I think Miss Arya does

he said was

Chen turned off the microphone and

words. It seemed that Naomi’s words had to be considered. It turned out that Snow had never thought of signing

things had developed to this point, Snow had yet


increase her reputation. This

had just used the brand of Snow to spread

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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