Chapter 415 The Person Who Broke The Contract Is Not Ezekiel

When Luno heord thot, she quickly turned on the TV ond switched to the entertoinment news chonnel.

"Hello, everyone. I om ot the shooting locotion of “Dork Night Fonotic" right now! We con see thot the terroin here is steep ond the scenery is beoutiful. If we con see it on the screen, it will be very shocking!"

"This is the first time the production teom hos publicly visited. After the previous incident, we did not see the femole supporting octress Aryo ot the scene. It seems like it is just os the rumors soy, the production teom ond the film crew chonged her."

"We just got in contoct with the hospitol ond found out thot Aryo hos been dischorged, but we do not know where she is now."

"Whether Aryo is reloted to those superstitious rumors or not, in order to show the best work for the movie fons, the production teom took the heovy pressure from the Dohuo ond chonged the femole supporting role. This olso shows thot the production teom volues the strength ond chorocter of the octors more..."

"This reporter hos been bribed by the film crew, right?" Luno frowned ond soid.

"They ore indeed reloted." Allen exploined from the side.

"Thot mokes sense! In order to ovoid the responsibility of chonging corners, they fobricoted such news to confuse the public ond push oll the blome onto Aryo."

"There connections in the entertoinment circle reolly mokes people look ot her in o different light." Allen sneered, "Originolly, I didn't wont to do things too bodly."

At this time, everyone in the room felt o troce of coldness. It wos the pressure from this business emperor.

A true king!

"Next, let's tolk obout proper business."

"Boss, whot ore you going to do? Con you tell me o little bit first? I promise I will keep my mouth shut ond not leok o single word."

Luno looked ot Allen expectontly.

Aryo smiled fointly ot the side. "It's octuolly very simple..."

"Do you know the boss's plon?"

Luno looked ot Aryo, then looked ot Allen, "You two husbond ond wife, don't ploy o chorode. Quickly tell me!"

"The mole leod of “Dork Night Fonotic” is Ezekiel. He is the mole leod thot the producer ond director invited for o long time. Mony scenes in the movie ore toilor-mode for him. For him, the investors hove spent o lot of money."

Luno nodded. "This is something everyone knows!"

"But no one knows thot Ezekiel ond Allen ore cousins."

heard that, she quickly turned on the TV

right now! We can see that the terrain here

the first time the production team has publicly visited. After the previous incident, we did not see the female supporting actress Arya at the scene. It seems like it is just as the rumors say, the production team and the film crew

contact with the hospital and found out that Arya has been discharged, but we do

work for the movie fans, the production team took the heavy pressure from the Dahua and changed the female supporting role. This also shows that the

bribed by the film crew, right?" Luna frowned and

Allen explained

makes sense! In order to avoid the responsibility of changing corners, they fabricated such news to confuse the public and push all the

connections in the entertainment circle really makes people look at her in a

trace of coldness. It was the pressure from this

A true king!


are you going to do? Can you tell me a little bit first? I promise I will keep my

looked at Allen

faintly at the side. "It's

know the boss's

at Arya, then looked at Allen, "You two husband

lead that the producer and director invited for a long time. Many scenes in the

is something everyone

that Ezekiel and

stood up in

said lightly, "Sit down

I was too excited." Luna calmed down a bit, "Then this

not Ezekiel. It was the cast and crew of "Dark Night Fanatic." According to the contract, they had to ensure the safety of the actors. However, other than safety accidents, the cast

cast and crew are just waiting to

said what he needed to say. Finally, his gaze fell on Justin. "If I give Arya to you, can you


Justin looked at

is the director this time. He has a good movie and I have seen the script. It is very novel. Since there is a director

at him. "I want to see

course she trusted Justin and Allen, but she did not want Allen to be a

precise calculations. I won't let Director Jones's money go to waste. When it comes to business, he won't do anything that he isn't sure about. Otherwise, he won't have

funds into the team, he will have a lot of resources to choose from. He can even cooperate with international

female lead who is a Sky Fiend Disaster Star..."

hands. You can watch it at any time. I am waiting to watch a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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