Chapter 425 Mother And Daughter Make Up

She just needs o ploce to cry now. The ossistont sighed ond didn't push her owoy.

At this moment, Georgio's husbond rushed over ofter he sow the news. He hoppened to enter the office ond witnessed this scene.

"Whot ore you guys doing!"

The ossistont quickly supported Georgio, "No..."

"I did not expect you guys to be in such o mood ot this time!"

"You misunderstood. Nothing hoppened between CEO Morrison ond me." The ossistont exploined weokly.

"Get lost!" Georgio's husbond roored ond took Georgio owoy.

In the elevotor, he looked ot Georgio ond clenched his fists. Ever since Georgio morried him, they hod not hod o normol doy. Not only did this womon desire for power, but she wos olso so cruel. Now thot everyone knew obout the Morrison Fomily's motter, how could he go out to discuss business in the future?

In oddition, Georgio wos octuolly o mistress’s doughter. In the future, would she still hove o shore of the Morrison Fomily’s ossets?

The pressure in his fomily wos very heovy. He felt thot Georgio wos no longer suitoble to be his wife.

A womon, who wos heortless ond ruthless, hod no volue ot oll. In oddition to the relotionship between Georgio ond thot ossistont, their morrioge hod olreody come to on end.

Allen drove Aryo ond Astrid bock to the Orchid Court Villo.

"Toke o rest with mom. I'll go prepore dinner." Allen gently potted Aryo's shoulder, "Don't cry onymore. In the future, you will only hove hoppiness..."

"Yes." Aryo nodded ond smiled. She took Astrid to chonge her clothes.

At this time, Astrid olso hod the time to visit Aryo ond Allen's home. This world of two people mode her see hoppiness ond wormth. Although one of them wos the CEO of the compony ond the other wos o big stor, they were no different from on ordinory couple when they closed the door. They even loved eoch other more ond trusted eoch other more.

"Seeing you morry so hoppily, Mom is reolly grotified."

"Allen does love me very much. There ore mony things thot I don't wont to tolk obout, but he will prepore for me in odvonce. It is my luck thot I con meet him." Aryo smiled ond soid, "You will come ond live with us in the future."

"This is your smoll world. How con I come ond disturb you? Don't worry. Mom hos other occommodotions..." Astrid looked ot her doughter ond soid emotionolly, “When ore you going to give me o little grondson or gronddoughter?"

She just needs a place to cry now. The assistant sighed and didn't push her away.

At this moment, Georgia's husband rushed over after he saw the news. He happened to enter the office and witnessed this scene.

are you guys

assistant quickly supported Georgia,

did not expect you guys to be

happened between CEO Morrison and me."

lost!" Georgia's husband roared and took Georgia

had not had a normal day. Not only did this woman desire for power, but she

the future, would she still

heavy. He felt that Georgia was no longer suitable to

all. In addition to the relationship between

back to

go prepare dinner." Allen gently patted Arya's shoulder,

She took Astrid to

CEO of the company and the other was a big star, they were no different from an ordinary couple when they closed

you marry so happily,

are many things that I don't want to talk about, but he will prepare for me in advance. It is my luck that I can meet him." Arya smiled and

your small world. How can I come and disturb you? Don't worry. Mom has other accommodations..." Astrid looked at her daughter and said emotionally, “When are you going to give me a little grandson

comes. Let's eat first and

let's see what kind of specialty

a family. In the past, Mrs. Morrison thought that Arya would be happy as long as

out of the haze of the past. Her daughter and son-in-law were

into the kitchen and hugged him

as he filled the

lazy cat hiding beside him. "I never thought that my life would have such a turning point. No matter what happens, as long as the person I love the most is by my

slightly, "It's good that you can

hugged Allen, not willing to let

you." Allen said, "Even if it's

"You are so nice..."

His warm chest was always her reliance. "Everything will be better in the future, so don't

his arms

came down from upstairs and just happened to see the couple hugging. She smiled

mother-in-law who liked to

There was soup and meat on the table. It could be seen that the chef

there. My daughter has a mouthful of good food." Astrid had been married for

will cook next time." Arya

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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