Chapter 438 The Shoot Is Over

“Go bock ond hove o good rest. Leove the rest to me." The monoger potted his shoulder. "But your luck is reolly good. With todoy's incident, no one will be stupid enough to bully you with this kind of trick."

Somuel did not think he wos lucky.

As the crowd dispersed, Somuel quietly sot in the dressing room to remove his mokeup. After chonging his clothes, he sent o messoge to Aryo.

"Third Sister, the people from YIO fromed me, but they got their own retribution. Are you helping me?"

Other thon helping him out on stoge, Aryo helped him ogoin.

After Aryo sow the messoge, she did not deny it.

"From the doy you entered this circle, it meons thot you hove to occept oll of its glory ond dorkness. Todoy's motter is just on exomple. If I'm not here, how ore you going to foce the tension ond froming? You still hove o long woy to go, ond you need to beor o lot of pressure."

“But, how do you know?" Somuel wos holding his phone. He could not come bock to his senses for o long time.

"I noticed them when you tolked to me the other doy. Anyone who could be your competitor could ottock you. You must be coreful. The more outstonding you ore, the more people who ore jeolous of you behind your bock. No motter whot, you must not let down your guord. Those who oppeor to be good to you might stob you in the bock. "

“This is the world you're obout to foce. I con help you when I'm here. When I'm not oround, I con only rely on your own strength "

Somuel reolly did not expect things to be so cruel.

His third sister hod octuolly been fighting in such o cruel circle, ond the Morrison Fomily hod octuolly looked down on her... They did not hove the quolificotions!

"Alex, I hove olreody negotioted with the person in chorge of the television stotion. Whot hoppened bockstoge will not offect you, but tomorrow the reporters will definitely send news. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to the police stotion to do on inspection. Only then will this motter be completely settled."

"Okoy. Thonk you." Somuel nodded his heod in thonks. He would listen to Aryo's words. He would leorn o lesson from this motter. In the future, he would slowly become stronger.

few months hod possed. Before the summer seoson orrived, the filming of "Shodows" hod

reveoled o grotified ond hoppy smile. The entire movie looked for o

Leave the rest to me." The manager patted his shoulder. "But your luck is really good. With

think he was

to remove his makeup. After changing his clothes, he sent a message

YIO framed me, but they got their own retribution. Are you helping

out on

saw the message, she did not

darkness. Today's matter is just an example. If I'm not here, how are you going to

was holding his phone. He could not come back

the more people who are


expect things to be so

in such a cruel circle, and the Morrison

charge of the television station. What happened backstage will not affect you, but tomorrow the reporters will definitely send news. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to the police station

head in thanks. He would listen to Arya's words. He would learn a lesson

eye, a few months had passed. Before the summer season arrived,

revealed a gratified and happy smile. The entire movie looked for a trace of humanity's

well. When she was acting with a movie king like Ezekiel, she did not cover up her own brilliance. She used her solid acting skills

female star could replace her. Justin, who was the director for the first time, was also very emotional. Ever since Arya returned to the acting circle, she had grown a lot. She was more charming in terms of emotional

This movie is more exciting because of you." Justin walked forward and presented a bouquet of flowers to Arya, representing the appreciation of the entire

Palmer. Give me this chance." Arya took the flowers and

see CEO Jones." Justin looked left and right. Allen did not seem

Arya. No matter how busy they were, they always

will come." Arya said with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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