Chapter 129

Merry was at a loss, her mind a whirlwind. How on earth could she calm the situation? She had already made it clear, geeks rule the school, and those who couldn’t match up simply refused to believe anyone could. What was she supposed to do, wave a magic wand and force them to believe?

Frustrated, she didn’t want to bother Cordelia with this mess, so she responded with firm resolve, “Then just disqualify me

She knew when she entered the competition that she lacked the popularity of her rival and the odds were stacked against her.

Upon sending her message, the manager promptly replied, “Fine, but you need to issue an apology to your fans admitting you deceived them.”

Merry’s jaw clenched at the absurdity. She retorted, “I haven’t lied to my fans. Why should I apologize?”

The manager shot back, “If you continue with this attitude and remain uncooperative, we’ll have no choice but to shut down your stream.”

That hit a nerve. After leaving the Jordan family, Merry had been relying on her streaming income.

Latham had encouraged her to apply to the Onitoky City Film and Animation Academy, which meant shelling out for expensive lessons in performance and presence, each costing more than a grand.

Streaming was crucial for her; she was determined to make a name for herself.

But the manager was being downright bullying.

She typed back, each letter heavy with defiance, “On what grounds can you shut down my stream?”

The reply was swift, “Your channel has received multiple reports. We need to verify if you’ve deceived your fans and during this investigation, you cannot continue streaming.”

In the grand scheme of things, a streamer with a few thousand fans even if that number had recently jumped to several tens of thousands – was insignificant to the platform.

Enraged, Merry asked, “How long will your “investigation‘ take?”

“We can’t give you

ignoring all further messages

likely last only a day;

reinstated, she was greeted instead by an official statement on the homepage. “In light of the recent deceit by our streamer “WhiteLight, we’ve

WhiteLight – the name her fans knew her by and the

investigate? Had they actually done so?

it was like screaming into the void; there was no response. It was then that she truly felt the weight of her

was on her way to the art

up Lorna in his car, and after lunch, they headed to the

of love and money. So, if you’re conned,

her phone vibrating with a message from Painter, “You there

out,” she

just scan the e–ticket to get in,”

Lorna’s skeptical gaze. Lorna asked

‘Painter‘ person had chosen such a name? It

As they a

to the exhibit, they noticed a queue forming. Just as they were about to join the line,

It was Rachel.

the sight of her, “Why are

a fake ticket, so

Lorna, then added, “I just saw Fanny, you know her, right? President of the Greenmeadow Art Association. She said not to sell you a ticket. It took some doing, but I managed to get this one. Don’t you want to see the exhibit? I heard it’s filled with masterpieces and selected works,

trouble yourself on

take things too

Cordelia joined the queue.

were either renowned figures in the art world or wealthy patrons looking to bask

her any mind, Rachel scoffed, then

turned at the sound of her name. Rachel greeted her warmly before pointing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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