Chapter 133

  1. Anter Ballaster hadn’t left the art gallery just yet.

Fresh from a meeting, he turned into the gallery space instead of heading out. The painting “Frostfall” was supposed to be tucked away in a quiet corner, an area reserved for the unnoticed works of emerging artists. Approaching the scene, he was met with chaos. His brow furrowed in confusion as he asked, “What’s going on here?

A staff member quickly explained, “A visitor got clumsy with their ice cream, and one of the paintings got. splattered.”

Space was at a premium in the gallery, with several modestly priced newcomers‘ pieces on display in this small section.

Ballaster’s expression darkened. “How could such a basic mistake happen? And since when is eating allowed in here?”

The staffer looked as if they were at a funeral, continuing, “Chairwoman Fanny was livid. She’s already fired the person responsible. It’s a good thing these pieces aren’t valuable, or we’d be in real trouble!”

Ballaster was concerned. If “Frostfall” was ruined, how would he check it out for Cordelia?

“We’re preparing to call the artists individually, ask them to bring new pieces as an apology.”

He nodded; that was the only course of action left.

He’d have to wait for “Frostfall’s artist to deliver another piece before he could take a look.

Fanny, not too far away, curled her lips into a smirk. Greenmeadow was her turf, and meddling came easy to her. She hadn’t expected Ballaster to actually come see the art. Had Naylor really tipped him off? Luckily, she had been meticulous enough to sabotage the painting in advance.

That night, Lorna didn’t come down for dinner. While Cordelia was worried, even Mathilda insisted she shouldn’t interfere, so she returned to her room to read.

The next morning, Cordelia packed her bag and was about to take a pill from the bottle Louie had given her when she paused, recalling Everard’s pained expression from the day before.

She hesitated, then decided against taking the medication, capping the bottle and slipping it back into her bag before heading downstairs.

Lorna seemed a bit better but still downcast. As Cordelia left with her breakfast in hand, Lorna finally spoke up, “The picture you wanted framed will be ready by this afternoon. It’ll be up in your room by the time you’re


lit up.

Everard, Bible in hand, sat

respectfully, “Boss, that Louie you asked about has been squeaky clean these past years, nothing

approached, and Cordelia walked in wearing her school uniform. She seemed surprised to find Skyler there and glanced at

mean that

caught a warning glance from his boss and quickly improvised, “Oh, I’m just checking on Midnight Scent’s business

he turned to Everard with mock seriousness, ‘Let’s see it


leaned back,

was no such license at Everard’s place. Bluffing, he stammered, “Ah, since the license is in order, I’ll

soon as the words

exchange, didn’t dwell on it. After sharing breakfast and holding hands with

mind, and she looked back,

before remembering his act, lowering his eyes

she admitted, “I didn’t take my medication today.”

words, she walked away,

to cheer him

such a simple sentence from her, yet why

had been banned and slapped with an

customer service’s official response was, “Please wait, we’ll verify your content and

turned to her social media followers, who loyally sought her out for

receive a legal

aggressive, “You must delete your post and apologize, or

done nothing wrong. Why

was cold, “Then prove you’re

was exasperated, her voice rising, ‘Can’t you be reasonable? How can

shot back, “That’s not our problem. If

snapped, “Damn it! Prove your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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