Chapter 150

Cordelia gazed at the stream of comments scrolling across her screen, her expression cool and detached. “Let’s have a question then,” she said with a hint of challenge.

Sure enough, a question popped up, sent into the chat.

“Color regions A, B, C, and D using five different colors. Each region must have a unique color, and no adjacent regions can share the same color. How many ways can this be done? Note, ABCD represents the four regions of a grid.”

As soon as Cordelia finished reading the question, she declared,” “260 ways.”

Seeing it, everyone was shocked, and some accused her of staging a setup with planted questions.

Cordelia frowned slightly, “If you think these are plants, then you come up with a question.”

The audience got excited:

“Fine, just give me a second to crack open my textbook.”

“Damn, I can’t stand that smugness. I’ve got to knock her down a peg. Let me find a hard one.”

And so the chat was inundated with all sorts of questions, growing more complex by the minute. Cordelia’s responses became faster and faster, almost instantaneously after each question appeared. The stream was electric with excitement.

But the chat had its limits, and some of the more complex problems couldn’t be fully presented there. Someone suggested,

“Can we take a photo of the problem and post it in the comments under your first tweet on WhiteLight, and then you solve it there?”

Cordelia replied, “Sure, but I’m pressed for time, so I’ll only do the first hundred questions.”

The crowd was stunned. A hundred questions? That would take them hours.

Cordelia opened the comment section, and sure enough, there were photos of problems waiting for her.

The chat was suitable only for simpler textual problems, but with the photos, the questions escalated to challenging calculations.

Cordelia glanced at the first problem, a geometry question, and said leisurely, “This problem requires an auxiliary line.”

She picked up a pen, pulled out a sheet of paper, and quickly sketched the problem from her phone, drawing the necessary auxiliary lines before reciting the solution, “Since AC is parallel to BD, therefore…

After explaining one problem after another, the stream’s popularity soared.

WhiteLight’s follower count on social media skyrocketed from forty thousand to a million in no time, and it was still climbing.

“OMG. Respect!”

“My mom came home and saw me watching the stream. For the first time, I proudly showed her my phone, saying I was observing a genius at work. Now she’s watching with me. I feel so proud.”

“Our teacher told us to come watch what a real genius looks like.”

Amidst the buzz of comments, the staff at StreamRapid finally took notice.

Initially, WhiteLight, just a small–time streamer, had been targeted by a more prominent broadcaster, leading to a flood of reports and a ban by the platform.

now staff members were practically on their knees.

comments from StreamRapid appeared, “WhiteLight proven to be genuine, the stream ban has been lifted,

several times before Merry finally caught

were also comments

in a university–level problem and can’t believe the

slyly asked a competition question, and the

this is a deity of

a private message, now eager and humble, “WhiteLight, when you have

indifference, “Guess that depends

Merry saw that a hundred questions had been asked and Cordelia was close to finishing them.

a unified message spread through

out what Warren’s saying.”

bashing you, go look at it.”

being criticized, hurry and

world with a significant following. He often criticized social

and discovered that Warren had

Warren @WhiteLight.

the olden days, true scholars were scarce in halls

hustle, to pen works in publican odd hour?

of science, philosophy, and

maid, bereft of virtue, match their prowess?

tricks as dusty as old shoes, seeking

with their filthy

muck at the

of flies tainting the

the meaning of

the master’s profound poem


eye just a farce? The accumulated wisdom

actions profane the sacred writings. It’s like smearing mud on a clean desk, the stench of decay ruining a

not a creator of words, just a humble translator.

The master is criticizing WhiteLight, accusing her of turning learning into a

has proven to be genuine, the stream ban has been lifted, and an apology statement is now on our official

posted several times

were also comments

believe the

and the genius answered it correctly.”

and this is a deity

sent Merry a private message, now eager and humble, “WhiteLight, when you

replied with feigned indifference, “Guess that depends on my mood,

and returning to the stream, Merry saw that a hundred questions had been asked and Cordelia was close to

then, a unified message spread through the

out what

you, go look at it.”

are being criticized, hurry

was puzzled. She knew of Warren, a contemporary bestselling author and a figure of integrity in the literary world with a significant following. He often criticized social phenomena with piercing words on his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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