Chapter 152

Paulina’s expression darkened when she caught sight of Cordelia.

She could still remember the last time she visited the school, it was Cordelia who had whisked Merry away. After that, Merry had run away from home, and gotten into all sorts of trouble. Paulina’s face was a storm. cloud of disapproval as she said, “It has nothing to do with you.”

With that she spun on her heel and left.

But Cordelia couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. She pulled out her phone and messaged “Little Parrot” on WhatsApp, but got no reply.

Cordelia had to return to class. At lunch, the usually chatty girl who sat next to her wasn’t there, leaving her feeling oddly out of sorts.

She got her tray from the cafeteria and found a spot to sit alone, checking her phone again to see that “Little Parrot” still hadn’t responded.

Finally, she tried calling, but despite the phone not being switched off, no one picked up.

At the Jordan residence.

Paulina had just finished processing Merry’s transfer papers and returned home, where the butler promptly greeted her.

Paulina asked, “Is she still being stubborn?”

The butler nodded.

Since being forcibly brought back home last night, Merry had holed up in her room, pounding on the door until her voice went hoarse, then just slumped to the floor in silence.

Paulina sighed. She’d spent a sleepless night worrying, her eyes red and puffy. Now, listless, she climbed the stairs and opened the door to Merry’s room.

Merry, exhausted from struggling, was curled up in a corner on the floor. At the sound of the door, she lifted her head and pleaded, “Mom, just let me go.”

Paulina’s heart hardened as she spoke, “Let you go, so you can continue live streaming? Peddling your laughter for cash? Merry, I’m your mother. I’ve offered you money, yet you insist on making a spectacle of yourself. Do you really want to break my heart?”

Merry looked at her blankly.

Break her heart? The words seemed like a cruel joke.

me?” Merry sneered.

parent is easy? Yes, I admit I’ve said harsh

clenched her fists

In her eyes, Leila was the good child, and all the trouble was

would pass the buck, and Merry grew up straightforward

you just act like you don’t have a daughter like

“I’ve been reflecting, and I realize I’ve been too blased, which hurt you. But that’s just who I am, and I haven’t been able to educate you properly. I’ve tried everything. I’ve heard of a

Chapter 182

“I won’t go. I want to go back to

Merry, and

until she got to the

looked out the window, her rood

the school, which was situated in

the car by the bodyguards and followed Paulina to the entrance of the

the sight of the large closed iron gate, an inexplicable feeling of oppression

the homeroom teacher came

you’re probably angry with me right now, but this is a good school. Remember Tommy from next door? A total terror since

guided her


heavy iron

back, she felt a pang of unease. The students seemed

teacher ordered, “First thing,

frowned, “I don’t have any

surprising strength and dragged her to a fountain in the courtyard, “What are you doing?”

the teacher turned on the fountain. Once it was full, he pushed

surged in Merry as she

unbearable, just when she thought she’d pass out, the

over and over until Merry lay soaked and powerless on

her, “Will

yelled, “This is intentional injury, and it’s

was silenced again by the water.

behave?” The teacher

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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