Chapter 121

Achoo! Leanna lost count of the number of times she had sneezed that day. She rubbed her nose and picked up the glass of water beside her before taking a sip. "The temperature has been gradually getting colder recently, Leanna. So, you should wear a few more layers to ensure you don't catch a cold," Zoe said.

Leanna nodded. "Go on with what you were saying," she reminded Zoe.

"Oh, where was it? Oh, right! I remember now. Didn't Anthony get fired by the company? Well, his bad deeds have spread all over town, and there isn't a single company that wants him. Fortunately, I've moved over to yours. Now, he's waiting for me outside my house every day. I've already told the management of the residence to file a police report," Zoe said.

"You should really stay away from him. He's left with nothing now, so it's really possible for him to act in extreme manners," Leanna warned.

"Yeah. Don't worry," Zoe said while taking a bite of cake. "By the way, how have things been with you and President Pearson?"

Leanna was speechless for a moment. "Did you have to change the topic so abruptly? You were just calling him a b*stard a while ago."

"Well, I have to be grateful for all he has done for me," Zoe said with a sly smile. "I can't talk bad about him behind his back after he provided me so much help, right? Furthermore, I realized that he isn't as horrible of a person as we thought he was. He's actually pretty nice to you." Zoe continued talking while Leanna stared at her speechlessly. "For example, let's take a look at that incident with Mia. We were the ones who had misunderstood him, and he did all of those things for you. Don't you think that was really sweet? Furthermore, he—"

Leanna felt goosebumps forming on her skin as she listened to the other woman's words, so she hastily spoke up to stop her. "Wait, wait. Stop. Stop right there." Leanna didn't see Aidan on a daily basis—she would only bump into him during breakfast sometimes. They hadn't spoken since what happened that night. This was ideal for her.

the charity dinner tomorrow? Since the Barnetts are hosting the dinner, I'm sure Zayn will be there. Will

explained. They had clarified things that night in the Pearson Family Estate. Leanna wasn't worried about this matter; she was more concerned about… I'm afraid that I might bump into some familiar faces during the charity dinner tomorrow. It's okay if I bump into some random people—I can just wear thicker clothes since the weather is turning cold. No one's going to pay attention to my belly. But the one person I'm terrified of is Anna, that crazy woman! She's the sort of person who would just charge over to you and bite you when

but she was worried that the whole Pearson Family would find out about her pregnancy if Anna were to learn about it. But at the same time, since Harvey had

sipped it in the living room while waiting. Finally, at about 11.00PM, Aidan showed up in the hall.

other?" he

because I haven't spoken to him in the past few days. Well, I'm not the only one with a mouth.

the couch. "Spit it out," he spoke through his thin lips. Even though he was being mean, Leanna had no choice but to play nice since she wanted to ask him for a favor. "I'm attending a charity dinner tomorrow, and I'm sure

are you going when you know

designer. It's

to decline it, or do you just not want to decline it?" Aidan crossed one of his long legs over the other. "You want to meet Zayn, don't you?" he asked flatly. Leanna didn't want to get into a fight with him because of this. She knew

bothering you. You can just assume I didn't say anything," she said eventually. Right after that, she turned and headed upstairs, leaving Aidan alone. He licked his lips as he watched

still wasn't willing to risk it. So, she pulled her phone out and texted Harvey to inform him that she wouldn't

she returned to Highside, and her baby was growing day by day. She was due to have the child in less

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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