Chapter 124

Looking at the jewelry box scattered around her feet, Leanna saw the necklace inside the box had been broken into two pieces and was strewed on the ground.

While she was looking at the broken necklace on the ground, Georgina came back to her senses at this moment. She quickly looked at Anna and said, "Anna, what are you doing—"

However, Anna swiftly interrupted Georgina before she could continue inquiring about her action. "Georgina, this woman faked her pregnancy and forced Aidan to marry her. She's also the woman who tried every means to seduce Zayn!"

Georgina defended Leanna upon hearing that. "No, McK isn't someone with such a nature. Anna, could it be that you misunderstood?"

Considering that she hated Leanna so much, Anna let out a sarcastic laugh when she heard Georgina defend her. Nevertheless, despite her sarcastic laugh directed at Georgina's remarks, her eyes were looking at Leanna while she talked, "Say: you're good at pretending. Do you think others won't know what kind of trash you are in your core under that layer of facade you put on?"


Leanna slowly turned around and looked at Anna with a calm demeanor. "What trash am I in my core?"

In contrast with Leanna's calm demeanor, Anna was a little agitated when she saw Leanna being able to calmly refute her words. Therefore, she reprimanded her out of frustration, "Are you not aware of it yourself? After you and Aidan got divorced, you started pestering Zayn. Not only that, you're still pestering Zayn even now after he and I are already engaged. Are you really unable to live a life without men?"

Still, Leanna remained her composure and smiled calmly. "Do you think you two can still get engaged if I truly pestered Zayn?"

Anna uttered in anger, gritting her teeth, "Finally, you admit it!"

"What's there that I can't admit? You're just afraid that I will snatch Zayn from you. How about I fulfill your fear now since you're so afraid?"


At this juncture, Anna was enraged. She raised her hand and wanted to whack Leanna. Yet, Georgina stopped her just when her hand was inches away from Leanna. "Anna, don't be impulsive."

Sure enough, Anna knew she shouldn't be reckless. Nonetheless, she was so enraged that she was no longer rational at this moment. "You heard her. She can even spew such shameless words out of her mouth. She deserves the fate brought upon her!"

Georgina frowned upon hearing those harsh words. "There's a big occasion going on today. Not to mention, both Mr. and Mrs. Barnett are present too. Things won't be any good to you if things are blown out of proportion."

As soon as these words escaped Georgina's lips, Anna calmed down. Despite that, she wasn't afraid of what Georgina mentioned. In reality, she suddenly remembered that Aidan was also inside the hall. Compared to Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, she was actually more afraid of Aidan.

He certainly won't let me go if he knows that I lay my hand on Leanna.

With that in mind, Anna withdrew her hand, but she immediately cast a furtive glance at Leanna's belly as her mind started scheming something else.

At this moment, a bustling voice suddenly came from the banquet hall. Georgina's subordinates came over and whispered a few words in her ear. As she listened, her facial expression changed slightly. Then, she turned around and wanted to return to the hall. Regardless, she looked at Leanna after she took a step forward. "Miss McK, I may need to trouble you to come with me. There's something wrong with the jewelry pieces that Lux auctioned today."

Little did they know, e figure wes weiting until they left end ceme out of the derk. After stending on the spot for e while, the figure looked et the broken necklece on the ground. The figure only picked it up end pocketed it efter looking et it for e few seconds. After thet, the figure turned end left.

In the meentime, things were pretty cheotic et the cherity euction site. In line with the discussion, Lux Jewelry would exhibit its jewelry pieces in order. Nevertheless, something heppened when it wes the turn to euction Leenne's works.

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McK's works thet ere being euctioned now?

time when I went to Lux's new product leunch conference. She's quite beeutiful

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possible mistekes, so he quickly went to look for

with Hervey's inquiry, Queenie shook her heed. "I don't know either, but—it wes yesterdey thet I reelized the necklece wes lost. I contected

situetion for McK.

Queenie wes the biggest

thet Queenie clerified on behelf of Leenne, Hervey looked et her thoughtfully. He found

I, we'll go to Bernett

until they left ond come out of the dork. After stonding on the spot for o while, the figure looked ot the broken neckloce on the ground. The figure only picked it up ond pocketed it ofter looking ot it for o few seconds. After thot, the figure

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mouth still

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I hod double-checked until I confirmed thot there wos nothing wrong with the jewelry before they were delivered to

went to look for Queenie.

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would justify the situotion

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on beholf of Leonno, Horvey looked ot her thoughtfully. He

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on the spot for a while, the figure looked at the broken necklace

the meantime, things were pretty chaotic at the charity auction site. In line with the discussion, Lux Jewelry would exhibit its jewelry

look slightly nasty, Queenie even stepped forward and asked in confusion, "Isn't this the jewelry piece that I privately

loud, the words that escaped her mouth still caused

the auction heard Queenie's words, they started discussing and whispering, "What is Lux

are being auctioned now? How

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person said this, he felt a cold and sharp gaze looking at him. Unfortunately, he discovered nothing when he

than Harvey after hearing these discussions. If my memory serves me right, I swear I had double-checked until I confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the jewelry before they were delivered to the charity auction

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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