Chapter 195

Leanna opened the door to find Daphne outside, waving at her.

She smiled back. Just as she was about to say something, she saw a man slowly stepping out from behind Daphne.

Her words died in her throat.

Aidan turned to frown at her. "What is with that look on your face?"

Daphne interrupted with a chuckle and explained, "I bumped into President Pearson in the elevator. What a coincidence, Leanna! He said he was here to visit a friend. Unfortunately, his friend was not home, so I..."

Leanna's smile did not waver. "Is that so? I did not think President Pearson would have friends living here."

Hearing the jeering tone in her voice, Aidan calmly replied, "As long as I am rich, I can always make friends."

She was rendered speechless. Furthermore, she could not really argue against that statement.

She wanted to chase him away, but she could not, due to the current circumstances. Anyway, even if she did try, he might not go away.

After taking a deep breath, she moved to let them in. "Come on in."

When they walked in, Aidan softly said to Daphne, "Nice acting."

Daphne stared at him. Oh, how very happy she was at his praise.

The warm and cozy vibes of the place became frigid with Aidan's return to the room. Aidan, though, seemed to not have noticed the unwelcoming atmosphere as he appeared to be as calm as usual.

Even Leanna felt awkward on his behalf.

Elijah was stunned. He had not expected to see Aidan here. It only took a few seconds before he swiftly regained his cool and politely greeted, "President Pearson."

When Zoe returned from her phone call, she was shocked to see Aidan in the room. She hurriedly shuffled over to Daphne. "What is going on? Why is that... Why is President Pearson here?"

Daphne responded with only a bitter sigh that spoke of secrets she could not tell.

Inside the kitchen, Louis frowned at who he saw in the living room. "Why is he here? Did you invite him?"

"No," replied Leanna, "but—"


She smiled and shook her head.

into her apartment,

Aidan would not give up in the

a pause, Louis asked, "Has

Zoe tell

"I guessed it."

sure had a


moment Louis stepped out of the kitchen, Zoe pulled

the only empty seats left were next to Aidan and

choose between one

she saw what her choices were, she had the fervent wish to

of battle

to take a look at the culprit of the situation.

spoke up, "Well, Nana, sit beside Elijah. We don't want President Pearson to feel

would accept the pacifying suggestion for now and

Elijah, she felt someone tugging at her

up at her with his dark eyes. "I'm not

Everyone went silent.

stood up. After all, she was feeling guilty over

she could finish speaking, Aidan's sharp eyes glanced at

back down, acting as though nothing had happened while her

opportunity to come up with an excuse. "I actually have something still cooking on

from Aidan's grip and ran back to the

calculating how likely it was for her to sit with him that

seconds later, he turned to look at


as Aidan moved to sit next to

Silence reigned once more.

what they mean when they say, 'if I can't have it, neither

is what they call a deliberate injury gambit,"

spent the next ten minutes or so in the kitchen. Finally, she settled on asking

none of Aidan's threats

felt her anxiety melt away when she thought

people sitting outside had shuffled around while she was thinking, leaving her a seat that did not

better and much less

the room before eventually settling his gaze on the bouquet on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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