Chapter 209

Over the next few days, Karen continued to try and harass Leanna at the studio, but before she could even arrive at the threshold, someone would stop her with all sorts of excuses. She didn't have any clue what was going on.

Even so, she was still motivated by the sum of money Georgina offered.

On Friday afternoon, as soon as Karen's daughter got out of school, she pulled her to the side and instructed her quietly.

Her daughter was terrified. "W-We can't do that… That's a crime…"

Karen yanked her hard and snapped, "You ungrateful girl! I'm the one who's feeding you, but every time I tell you to do something, you keep saying it's not possible. If you were just a little better at getting things done, the two of us would be living in luxury right now!"


"I don't want to hear any more nonsense from you. If you can't get this done, then I won't show you any mercy!"

The girl trembled at the sight of the hand that was about to hit her.

Karen grabbed her and hailed a cab. "Take us to Southfork University."

She had spent the last few days arranging everything and identifying the right person. All she needed was to wait for the kid to get out of school.

At the cafe.

"Louis, tomorrow's a weekend. Why don't you come in for a shift or two?" the manager asked.

"I can't tomorrow. I'm going to see my sister."

"I'd rather you don't. The semester holiday is coming up and all the young ladies can't bear to not see you anymore. You should give them a bit more time to admire you."

Louis was speechless.

He set the tablecloth down and said to the manager, "I'm done with cleaning up, so I'll be off now."

and sighed. Being too attractive came

took his phone out

he asked with

years ago. Maybe the person you're looking for isn't even alive anymore," the person advised

his lips. "I can

to look for a needle in a haystack, and I won't know where to begin even if you paid me more money. Furthermore, you won't get anything out of finding this person anyway, so I

a frail voice crying

phone away and

on the ground and

her. "What happened

head was hung low. "I twisted

glanced at the leg she was holding. "Can you stand? I'll take you to the

stand up

hold her arm. "Take it

again and she nearly fell

to be in a lot

911, the girl suddenly tore her uniform open and screamed,

citizens out on a stroll near the university.

elderly man pulled the girl away from Louis and fumed,

and said gravely, "I didn't do anything. She twisted her ankle so I helped her up.

him. He turned to the trembling girl and said, "Tell us what

girl cried pitifully, "I was just walking when someone pulled me into the bushes and covered my mouth. He even started

a monster! How could

decent fellow. I never would've suspected him to harbor

must be a student here, right? Quick, someone, go and get his teachers and his school dean. Let them see the monster

began to hurl all manner of criticisms and abuse at him. Soon,

"Isn't that

schoolgirl into the bushes

even though so many of them like him. He's just pretending to be a decent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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