Chapter 30 Secret Lover

Chandler patiently watched the video to the end. Then he picked up the phone and returned it to Erin. “Although the angle is a bit off, you got everything important. If you’re so confident, go ahead and post it online.”

Erin trembled with anger. A thousand thoughts ran through her mind. She had presented such solid evidence, yet he wasn’t even afraid.

“You’re the president of Frost Corporation. Aren’t you afraid that such a scandal will affect the company’s public image?” She couldn’t help but remind him of the public impact of workplace harassment.

“In the video, you didn’t ask for help. Moreover, it was taken secrelly. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you had ulterior motives. Who will believe your side of the story when it’s exposed? Once the truth comes out, you’ll be the one who won’t be able to survive in this city. Why should I be afraid?”

Erin’s courage was crushed in an instant.

Her face turned pale. Never did she expect that the video she thought would give her an advantage was worth nothing in the eyes of the cold and ruthless Chandler. To make matters worse, she found herself agreeing with his logic.

She felt utterly helpless. Was she going to let him lead her by the nose?

Proud and content, Chandler stood up and walked towards her in graceful steps. He then slipped his large hand around her waist and buried his face in her fair neck. His hot breath tickled her skin as he said, “That video alone wasn’t satisfying enough. I need to feel the excitement through a live show.”

Erin was so angry that she raised her hand to strike him, but he caught it instantly and grinned wickedly. “Erin, why not save your energy and focus on servicing me instead?”

Ignoring her screams and struggles, Chandler lifted her onto his shoulder and strode toward the lounge.

He was determined to punish her severely for daring to plot against him and repeatedly defying him.

Erin cried out in pain, but his eyes showed no mercy.

This ungrateful woman kept testing his patience, and he would make her learn to obey her. 1

Moments later, Erin got dressed in a daze, her skin marked with bite marks. The pain made her eyes turn red, and her hatred for Chandler

grew stronger.

put on his suit jacket, he enjoyed the sight of her blushing, angry face, and

admitted that Erin’s body was a perfect match for him compared to the other girls he’d slept with. That

her go.

on her high heels, Erin turned around and

her. He

His cousin?

continued, “I’m talking about Caleb Grant, the director of your design department!”

to learn that Caleb

“Be a good girl and be mine for three months. If

patience nearly

card into her pocket and said ambiguously. “From now on, you can come up and

out of her pocket. She quickly ran to open the door of the lounge and left

elevator and slapped herself in the

did she have to provoke this devil in the first place? Now, she’d become the secret

an ordinary office romance–she

herself in her heart. Looking up, she saw her reflection through the elevator and instantly

forgotten that she was still at work. The faint slap mark on her face

out of the elevator, she ran into Caleb,

her face to the side, wanting to leave with her


place as Caleb walked up to her and stood in front of her.

hint of panic flashed across Erin’s lowered

to the office.” Caleb, who had originally intended to take the elevator, turned around

a complicated expression, her head still

might think that Caleb was going to scold her. She would become the laughing stock in the design department again.

company. People would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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