Chapter 48 Ignorant

“Punishment? What punishment?” In fact, Erin wanted to ask why she was being punished.

Chandler looked at her and said rather suggestively, “Oh, you’ll find out soon.” With one hand, he clasped both her hands above her head and pressed his lips against hers.

Erin finally realized that when he said punishment, he meant sex. She resisted him instinctively. Whenever Chandler wanted to have sex with her, she couldn’t help but think how low she had stooped, becoming his sex loy.

Her resistance made Chandler furrow his brow. Their lips parted. He grabbed her by the chin with his other hand and said menacingly.” Don’t you see how useless it is resisting me? This game of yours should stop! Unless you like being forced upon?”

Erin instantly blushed at what he said. She yelled, “How dare you! You know that I’m being forced by you. How could you say that about me?” She instantly felt aggrieved, and tears started to well up in her eyes.

It was an eyesore to Chandler. The hotness of his gaze cooled down, and he let her go before getting up and leaving. He took a few steps before turning around and saying to her coldly, “Erin, you’re fucking ignorant! Don’t you know who rescued your mom and friend last night?

Do you think I like to force myself upon you every time?”

Erin could feel his disappointment and fury. She thought back about everything that had happened in King Midas Club the night before.

She still understood right from wrong. She knew she wouldn’t have left Aunder safely if it weren’t for him.

“I’m really grateful for you helping my mother…” That was all she could say before trailing off.

her and sneered before leaving

Erin had finished washing up and was about to head to work, she realized that Chandler had already left for work. The

she could get the driver to send her to work

and hailed a taxi to the nearest subway station. She

would have no energy to work, but at that moment,

guilt that she thought going to work might make her feel better.

the subway and

asking further, so she just said yes. Cherry thanked lan profusely on the phone and said that

from lan, she thought of returning home when she had the

time. After the divorce, Cherry got custody of Erin and married Grayson, while her father, Steven Lane, also remarried. They have an eight–year–old son who has just started elementary school.

wife, Daisy, would be delighted. Daisy had never liked Erin, just like how Erin equally disliked her. That was the reason Erin

way, Erin reminisced a lot about her childhood. She could not help but find it ironic that when her parents got divorced, she secretly swore that

she hadn’t gone through it herself, she wouldn’t

among the crowd. She thought about how she was in an ambiguous flirty relationship with her boss. and temporarily staying in a mansion that would never be hers. She wasn’t even considered his mistress, merely an undignified part–time lover.

going through life and divorce, her hopes lor love had


turned around to see a man smiling widely at her. He was dressed in a white shirt and black suit pants,

name in

over to Erin with surprise in his gaze. He said with a smile, “How have you been? We haven’t seen each other since your wedding! It must have

the wedding, Erin fell a little awkward. She covered it up with a smile. “Yes,

got rich, he no longer stayed in touch with his old classmates!” Luke looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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