Chapter 58 Not Worth 100 Million Dollars

Stunned by what Chandler said. Alan drove off without a word.

The next day when Erin woke up, she sat bolt upright when she saw her surroundings. She looked at Chandler, sitting in front of her, and asked. “Why are we on a plane? Where are we going?”

Writing an email, Chandler looked up at her. “Grecia.”

“Why are we going to Grecia?” Feeling like she was in a dream, she looked at the blanket on her and glanced around at what

seemed to be a private jet.

“For vacation.”

Erin found his simple answer hard to accept. “What about my job? I didn’t even tell my parents that I’d be going overseas. What if they went to look for me?”

Chandler shut his laptop and said, “I knew you would worry too much, so I gave you a sedative shot.”

Erin was shocked. “No wonder I wasn’t even aware that I boarded a goddamn plane!” she thought.

“If we’re going on vacation, you could have told me. There’s no need to give me a sedative shot-”

Seeing she was about to blabber on, Chandler interrupted, “Are you hungry?”

Hearing the question, she suddenly felt she was starving. She had slept more than ten hours, after all.

Chandler pressed the service bell, and two curvaceous flight attendants walked into the cabin in high heels. Erin thought they must have undergone a rigorous selection process as they both had perfect figures and great looks. However, Chandler

seemed indifferent as he talked to them.

Erin could see the jealous looks in their eyes when they were leaving. She chuckled inwardly. “Jealous of me? If they know


what are you daydreaming about?” Chandler threw

packaging, and Erin felt no

“The two women just now are gorgeous!” Seeing him smiling

anything when you look

remembered when she first met him; he had asked if it was her first time. Looking back now, she realized she rather

were obsessed

his smile. “What the hell

they are beautiful. Why

a lot of beautiful women, but they are not as lucky


to. She gazed out the window at the clear


Chandler frown with slight anger, but he didn’t lose his temper. To prevent her ex–husband from winning her back, he specially took her on vacation abroad. After all, he had been busy and could take a break himself. However, Erin obviously didn’t appreciate it, and he

what he wanted.

money. Chandler looked at her thoughtfully and said, “You’re my woman now, and

from me.”

look at him and chuckled. “Why? Are you thinking of

out a pen and checkbook, Chandler wrote down the amount and signed his name on a check before offering it to her.” I’m paying you 30 million dollars for the three months

give birth to a child after their divorce. Yet Chandler was giving her 30 million dollars, and all she needed to do was become his lover for three months. The

most was humiliation. If she took the money, then she would truly become

in his hand without taking it, her eyes sparkling with tears. He sneered. “Why? Is

and angrily said, “Well, I think it

look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

the cabin at that moment. After serving the food, one of the flight attendants asked

not to meet his intense eyes and looked out at the sky outside

woman. Do you guys think she’s worth 100 million dollars?”

glance, the two women naturally didn’t think so. They thought they could easily match Erin’s looks and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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