Chapter 82 Two–Faced

Holly’s question caught Erin by surprise. “Holly, from the looks of it, you’re more inclined to trust Chandler?”

“Something just feels off about the sudden turn of events. Your cousin stays over at the mansion for one night, and this happens. Isn’t it too much of a coincidence? Furthermore, Chandler is a man who has tons of beautiful women at his beck and call. Would he need to stoop so low as to force himself on your cousin?” Holly stood by Erin’s bedside, expounding the


Erin stopped and pondered on her words for a while as Holly continued, “It’s possible that Chandler was really feeling wronged to fly into such a rage.”

That elicited a dissatisfied response from Erin. “Hey, why are you taking his side? Who’s the one hospitalized now?”

Holly defended herself, “Erin, you know that I’m not taking his side. I just don’t want to jump to conclusions. Besides, I wasn’t there personally, so I didn’t see what happened, which is why I’m trying to make sense of the situation.”

“But May has no reason to lie to me. She’s just broken up…” Erin still chose to trust May.

Holly hesitated briefly before coming clean. “Your cousin claimed to not know who Chandler was. But here’s a piece of information you should know. I bumped into your cousin in a bar a while back and overheard her talking about Chandler with several of her friends then. As for how she got to know about Chandler, I have no idea.”

That statement did not sit particularly well with Erin, but still, she opted to believe that her cousin would never lie to her. It hadn’t even occurred to Erin that in his drunken state, Chandler might have mistaken May, who was wearing Erin’s nightdress, for Erin. It was also likely that his ego stopped him from acknowledging his mistake after he found out that he had mistaken May for Erin.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, Holly. I mean, it’s not entirely bad that I’ve moved out of the mansion. He’s too tyrannical, anyway. I’ve been feeling very oppressed there.” Erin recalled how savagely Chandler had punished her earlier on. It was as if he had lost his sanity. She still felt scared now that she thought back on it, and her wounds still ached from his rough ministrations.

that May was the one who was lying. But since Erin trusted her cousin, Holly felt she should not be so

later. The place they

officially broken up with James, so she moved out from where she

he hadn’t contacted Erin since she left the mansion, so

her that Chandler had rejected her

did not accept her resignation, yet, he did not want to see her. So she decided she might as well skip work. As

of handling the online store. May used to ship out the orders for the online store together with her boyfriend, James Heigl. But now that they’ve broken

a simple meal for herself and May. While she waited for May to come home to have dinner together, she went to the

to find May’s wardrobe full of branded designer bags when she opened it to put away the clothes. Erin estimated the entire wardrobe to be worth up to cost at least millions! Even if May saved up every penny of the money she earned, she would not be able to


Erin thought that she would give May a call to check up

up, but before she even had the chance to

of the line.

your boyfriend doesn’t touch

about him. He’s nowhere near as good as you

the call. Erin flushed. She was sure that the woman was May. She hadn’t expected her to find another man

saw in May’s wardrobe, she started to suspect that May had

sticking her nose into their relationship. But now,

didn’t take long for James to pick up her call. “Hello, Erin.

“James, could you please tell me why you and May broke up? Did you really cheat on her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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