Chapter 90 Call the Police

Worried that the group might seek revenge on him, the guy with a flattop haircut was trembling with fear. What if they dragged him to some secluded forest and buried him alive?

“Boss, please spare me…I’ll spill the truth! I’ll tell you everything!”

He voluntarily handed over his phone, relieved it wasn’t damaged. His bloodied fingers trembled as he opened the unread message he hadn’t had a chance to delete.

“She was the one who contacted me!”

Erin took the phone from him and glanced at the phone number, almost smashing it in her anger.

“Dana Sawyer!”

She immediately handed the man’s phone to Hans.

Standing nearby, Hans spoke up, “Mr. Frost had instructed me to leave this matter wholly to you.”

Erin’s eyes were filled with blazing fury at this moment. She now wholeheartedly believed that Dana was also behind the previous drugging incident!

She instructed Hans, “Call the police.”

Without saying a word, Hans promptly dialed the number..

During the wait, several staff members from the club would occasionally glance toward the parking lot.

Meanwhile, inside the private room, Dana had taken the opportunity to excuse herself to the restroom. She overheard the news of Erin getting kidnapped and eagerly awaited good news.

However, to her surprise, Erin burst into the private room accompanied by Hans and five bodyguards before she could even


The club owner followed closely behind, trembling as he stood by Erin’s side. He then signaled the four male escorts to leave

with his

four male escorts quickly slinked away.

looked at Erin with astonishment. Ella asked, “Erin, what’s

Erin, seething with anger.

fake, kind expression.

now? What took you

up the act at this point? I have already reported

and Milly both looked at Dana. They stood up and distanced themselves

distance from

happened?” Ella looked at Dana, whose eyes already showed fear, and started to believe Erin’s

questioned Dana, “What did I do for you to

Erin’s icy voice interrupted her.

with me.”

kindly invited you all to join me, but how dare you report me for

solid evidence!”


you think I didn’t see the messages you sent to that man?”

was about to defend

needed to provide statements was taken away.

Milly left after

and a sense of fear crept into their hearts.

face of testimonies and evidence, Dana could no longer deny the truth.

the interrogation room in handcuffs, she happened to see Erin

got Caleb to fire me, I suddenly became unemployed and faced constant rejections from other design companies. I knew both of you were pulling the strings

thought you had such abilities…”

escaped punishment when

that I couldn’t make a living here! After I became unemployed, I faced countless setbacks before ending

even encountered a pervert…It’s all your doing! Erin Lane, I hate

female police officer behind Dana reprimanded

this, Dana was still taken away by the two female police officers while

following behind Erin, respectfully asked, “Miss Lane, do

The villa…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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