Chapter 103 Behind the Scenes

Erin was torn at Matthew’s suggestion. “Are you kidding? Even the apartment you don’t stay at is being mobbed. There must be even more paparazzi over at your villa!”

For a moment, Matthew didn’t know what to say. He felt a strong sense of self–castigation. He said, “I’m sorry… It’s my fault for not handling the issue better.”

Erin turned to look at him. Seeing how glum Matthew looked, she finally realized how mean she sounded.

“Matthew, I should be the one to apologize! If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be hounded by reporters.”

“It’s alright. It’s because of who I am that so much trouble was brought here. Sometimes I wonder if it’s better being a civilian.

The slight admiration in Matthew’s voice made Erin’s heart ache. Although being a star meant that Matthew shone brightly in the eyes of others, each word and move he made was put under the spotlight. The more famous he was, the less privacy he was afforded.

“Don’t overthink it. All that you have right now is the result of your hard work! You should cherish it!”

Matthew looked at her warmly. “Thanks for saying that. So, where do we go now?”

After pondering for a moment, Erin said, “Drop me off at a chain hotel. I’ll stay there for a few days first. Besides, most places now are handled through property agencies, so there are a lot of listings online. I think I’ll probably be renting.”

Before Matthew could say anything, Erin’s phone rang, and he indicated for her to answer it first.

Looking at the phone screen, she saw that it was Holly calling and answered immediately.

“Where are you right now, Erin? I was messing around online earlier and saw that you’ve gone viral! Matthew’s really hot stuff right now. All you did was stand near him and gossip’s flying already!” Holly was currently sitting at a cafe, her expression overtaken by excitement.

On the contrary, this news put Erin in a tough spot. She hadn’t forgotten the warning lan had given her before. Who would have thought her break–up with Chandler would end up with her ending up in the headlines with Matthew?

“Erin, why aren’t you responding? The news online says that you’re going to be living with him too!”

coldly, “Don’t believe all the rubbish you. read online, Holly. Nothing is going on between Matthew and me; we’re

a trace of sadness manifested in Matthew’s eyes as he drove. Although Erin was right in saying that, bearing witness to Erin denying any relationship with him pained

it’s rubbish, that’s why I called

I’m not free to talk right now. Can I call you back?” After all, Matthew was right next to her. This wasn’t the best time for a

with Chandler. Don’t let him. believe the rumors

Erin didn’t manage to tell Holly about having split up with Chandler. After hanging up the call, she remained silent for a long while.

juddered with an

glanced at her. “Aren’t you answering

miss his calls.”

He wanted to

now. Since she was staying

of the car. After all, it would be a hassle if they stumbled into some


that, Erin bade Matthew goodbye, dragging her luggage off as she went.

the hotel. In the car, he made a phone

me a photo that makes it look like I spent the night at a hotel. Craft a headline that’s something like ‘Matthew Burgess‘ Hotel Stay With Rumored Girlfriend.‘ If my manager contacts

believe in your rumor–crafting skills! Just like your music, your skill in faking news is exemplary! The thing is, I’m a bit confused. Why are you taking the initiative to create a scandal when

barked a laugh. “Don’t stick your nose into what’s not

I never thought you’d dig such a huge hole for your manager. Whenever there’s any gossip about you, he has to rush to handle

up before the other could finish

he’d just started out, he’d naturally been framed in some scandal or the other before. However, he now had a team of his own in charge of helping him influence his own narrative. Even his manager didn’t

some aces up one’s sleeve. After all, if for some reason Matthew got into a tiff with his manager, the guy might have it out for him

least Chandler wasn’t a threat now. As such, he now had the chance to


father, Steven Lane, has recently gotten into some financial trouble. Based on the numbers, the circumstances will change within a month.” Archie stood before Quentin with

million. Erin didn’t transfer it from the bank, did she?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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