Chapter 125 Perfect Fit

Erin’s slap brought back some rationality in Simon.

Strands of his hair hung limply in front of his eyes, and the side of his lace that was slapped had a slight reddish hue. Simon forced a smile and said, “That was a good slap

After saying that, he took two steps back and slowly turned around. He then walked toward the window. Simon leaned his arm against the window frame, but it was unclear what he was thinking. Erin stood where she was, watching his lonely and desolate figure. The raging emotions within her seemed to have been doused with a bucket of cold water, and she began to calm down.

Both of them fell into silence, and after about ten minutes, Erin decided that she couldn’t stay any longer and started to leave.

At that moment, Simon turned his head and said, “I’m sorry. I was too impulsive just now… I… I shouldn’t have thrown your phone out of

the window.”

Erin, with her back still turned to him, thought of her phone sinking to the bottom of the lake. She felt a flicker of anger in her heart. But when she thought about how Simon lost control over himself after hearing that recording, she felt guilty for being so cruel toward him.

She considered them even. Her phone would serve as a punishment to her for telling on Megan and getting involved with their private”


Seeing that she still hadn’t turned around, Simon felt a trace of unease and guilt in his heart. He apologized once more. “I’m sorry!”

Finally, Erin responded, “You’ve already apologized. Let’s forget about the phone-”

“I’m apologizing for my earlier behavior. I don’t know what came over me, I “His cheeks became even redder.

Only then did Erin realize he was referring to the kiss earlier.

Even now, Erin could still feel the burning sensation on her lips. When Simon forcefully kissed her, he was actually venting his anger and

frustrations. Unfortunately, she became the outlet for his release.

“Simon, I hope you won’t tell anyone about what happened today!” Erin turned around and glanced at him warningly.

Her words made him laugh at his sorry state. “Are you referring to me being cuckolded by Megan? Or are you talking about the fact that!

kissed you?”

slightly, and she

her and confessed, “Don’t worry. This is an insult to me as well. No man would willingly admit to being cuckolded. Although I really don’t want to say thank you, if it weren’t

for me today

skipped a beat. She didn’t expect his visit to the studio today to be such a

ring box from his pocket. After opening

you think

the ring. Its design was simple and elegant, and in terms of the cut and clarity of the diamond, It was undoubtedly a valuable and perfect

to lie, so she

it to her. “Since you think it’s beautiful, I’ll give you

for your

shook her head. “I can’t accept it! If you don’t

compensation for her phone. It was too extravagant, and she didn’t dare to

better to throw it away.” Simon turned and walked

to throw the ring out

he turned to look at her. “So

Can’t you just return it?” Erin was torn, finding Simon’s behavior quite peculiar. Why did he insist

I’ve already embarrassed myself in front of you. I read a line in a book that said if you return a ring you bought yourself, it will bring bad luck to your future relationships. I don’t want to Jinx all my future


and said. “Okay, I’ll keep the ring for you temporarily. Whenever you want

helplessly. “Fine. Let’s do

and placed the diamond ring in her

it, he suddenly took the ring from her hand and said, “Do you mind if

asked in confusion, “Try

and accurately slipped the ring onto her ring finger. It fit perfectly as if it was specially made for Erin. He suddenly laughed. “Erin, did you know? This ring caught–Megan’s attention, but it’s a unique piece. The designer only made it in this one size, and it didn’t fit

his eyes to appreciate Erin’s exquisite beauty in close proximity. Suddenly, he felt that Erin, who was wearing the ring, was radiantly beautiful.

and there was a slight tint of blood. His eyes darkened instantly, recalling the scene where he’d cornered her against the wall and kissed her. Simon’s body was filled with restless heat that moved around rapidly. His brain began to constantly recall Erin’s tender and pink lips, and he felt his

on the diamond ring on her ring finger, and she couldn’t help but imagine how she would feel if Chandler was the one who placed

just imagining it caused her heart to beat unusually fast. Erin suddenly realized that her expectations for Chandler had gone way


on Alana’s

ring on her hand. Erin’s abrupt action

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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